Members on the Move

Vanessa Cole, a member of the Atlanta Chapter, is now Firm Administrator at Downey & Cleveland, LLP, in Marietta, Georgia.

Holly L. Einspahr, a member of the Arizona Chapter, is now HR Specialist at Practus, LLP, a virtual law firm.

Marina Lizette Field, a member of the San Diego Chapter, is now Director of Operations at Grimm Vranjes Greer Stephan & Bridgman LLP in San Diego, California.

Mary Ellen G. Hatch, an independent member, is now Office Manager at Armstrong Teasdale, LLP, in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Patricia Healy, a member of the Atlanta Chapter, is now Director of Operations at The Employment Law Solution in Atlanta, Georgia.

Scott M. Matucha, a member of the Indiana Chapter, is now Director of Accounting at Krieg DeVault LLP in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Thomas J. Terrell, a member of the Hampton Roads Chapter, is now Director of Administration at The Moody Law Firm, Inc., in Portsmouth, Virginia.

Donna J. Tobin, a member of the Palm Beach County Chapter, is now Law Office Administrator at Alley Maass Rogers & Lindsay, PA, in Palm Beach, Florida.

Teresie Marie Zmyslinski, CP, a member of the Arizona Chapter is now Administrator at Frazer Ryan Goldberg & Arnold, LLP, in Phoenix, Arizona.