Members on the Move

Eileen Africa-Nocom, a member of the Las Vegas Chapter, is now Office Administrator at Wilson Elser Moskowitz Edelman & Dicker, LLP, in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Jennifer M. Carter-Squire, a member of the Calgary Chapter, is now Manager of Human Resources and Facilities at McLeod Law LLP in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

Andrea C. Hill, a member of the Cyber Chapter, is now Firm and Human Resources Administrator at McCarthy Lebit Crystal & Liffman Co., LPA, in Cleveland, Ohio.

Katherine Lain, a member of the Greater Kansas City Chapter, is now Firm Administrator at Arnold Newbold Sollars & Hollins, PC, in Kansas City, Missouri.

Lynn M. Mattson, a member of the Minnesota Chapter, is now Executive Director at Moss & Barnett in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Beth McCubbin, CLM, a member of the Raleigh Durham Chapter, is now Firm Administrator at Barrett & Farahany, LLP, in Atlanta, Georgia.

Emily C. Spehar, a member of the Gateway and Southwest Florida Chapters, is now Office Manager for the Sarasota and Naples offices at Wicker Smith O'Hara McCoy & Ford, PA, in Naples, Florida.

Marisa Vanek, a member of the Indiana Chapter, is now Office Manager at Eads Murray & Pugh, PC, in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Congrats Are in Order
Paul Masuret, a member of the Boston Chapter, was recently honored by Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly with the Excellence in Law award in the Firm Administration/Operations category. Paul has been Executive Director at Casner & Edwards for 33 years and has successfully guided the firm through office relocations, a recession and a pandemic. Paul has also been a leader at the chapter level, having served as Boston Chapter President from 2006-2007. Congratulations, Paul!