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How AI Will Transform Your Law Firm's Financial Workflows

By now you are tired of hearing that artificial intelligence (AI) is going to transform every part of your life. You dread the day you have to consult ChatGPT to brush your teeth. You may also be freaked out about AI hallucinations, bias and copyright infringement. But the facts remain that AI is not going away, and in the right circumstances, it is incredibly useful.

The analysis of law firm finances is one area where AI shines. Finance applications play to AI’s strengths as AI is good at sifting through large amounts of data in a short amount of time and analyzing trends. It’s good — and will get better — at checking data inputs and analysis, reducing the risk of error. AI excels at comparing data to benchmarks and detecting fraud. With AI handling the data preparation and number-crunching, humans can focus on strategic analysis.

To illustrate the power of AI in law firm finance, let’s imagine your firm’s managing partner bursts into your office and demands you produce three insightful financial reports and have them on her desk in one hour. Without AI, you are probably sunk. But let’s see if AI can save the day.


You decide the reports you want to present are a revenue analysis by practice area, an expense management review and a financial forecast for the upcoming fiscal year. Normally, these reports are beasts that require gathering data from multiple sources, painstaking analysis and sophisticated interpretation. You are used to doing all of them, but today there is no time. You’ll have to see what AI can do.

Let’s assume you are going to use ChatGPT, the best known of the current large language model (LLM) platforms. It also has versions that are secure and do not train on user data. The way you proceed is to feed ChatGPT the firm’s standard, existing firm financial reports as the data source, along with a prompt of what you want ChatGPT to do.

In the paragraphs below, we describe useful prompts and the results you would expect to see. Because of the space limitations of this article, we are only able to offer a short description of what AI can do. But of course, seeing is believing! Later in the article, you’ll have an opportunity to try it safely for yourself.

1. Revenue Analysis by Practice Area

ChatGPT Prompt: “Given the firm’s financial reports for the last two years, categorize and analyze days to bill, billed time and collected revenue by practice area. Identify trends, highlight growth areas and pinpoint underperforming segments. Suggest actionable strategies for revenue optimization, gaps between billing and collection and other business improvements.”

You are amazed when ChatGPT produces the requested report. The AI system can indeed analyze which practice areas are growing and which are underperforming, given a reasonable data set. This gives the managing partner insights about where to focus the firm’s resources along with what areas need to be shored up or eliminated.

2. Expense Management Review

ChatGPT Prompt: “Analyze the firm's detailed expense report for the previous fiscal year. Break down expenses by category and department, identify trends and areas of high expenditure, and recommend cost-saving strategies without compromising service quality.”

“The analysis of law firm finances is one area where AI shines. Finance applications play to AI’s strengths as AI is good at sifting through large amounts of data in a short amount of time and analyzing trends.”
Once again, you are excited the AI system can organize the data, compare it to benchmarks, and identify opportunities for saving money. This has been on your list to do forever, but when were you going to find the time?

3. Financial Forecasting

ChatGPT Prompt: "Using the financial performance data from the past three years, forecast the firm's financial outlook for the next year. Consider current market trends, growth in practice areas, and planned investments. Highlight potential risks and strategic opportunities."

Ugh, forecasting is hard, right? Fortunately, AI's predictive capabilities can make this job much easier, and potentially do it in a more objective way than you or the firm partners ever could. This prompt puts strategic insight in your hands more easily and faster than you ever could before.

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Of course, AI is far from perfect and has some known and troubling issues. The question is how to navigate these concerns without losing the benefit of the technology. One issue is confidentiality. Some AI tools are secure, like ChatGPT Enterprise or Teams — they ensure your sensitive financial data is processed safely, and is not used to train future iterations of the AI model.

A law firm cannot have it any other way. Another concern is “hallucination,” the tendency of current AI models to “make things up.” The important thing here is to ask ChatGPT to do things that are verifiable, and to check the AI system’s work. Just as lawyers need to check any research done by an AI system, financial professionals needs to do the same.


The point is, ChatGPT is very versatile and can do all kinds of useful tasks from writing to drawing, from coding to financial analysis. To get the most value out of it at its current stage of development, you have to get good at writing prompts. You can find blog posts like this one on the subject, or ChatGPT will happily offer you general advice.

(You can explore the power of AI to transform your firm’s financial analysis. Here you’ll find sample data to experiment with ChatGPT prompts, so you can experience firsthand AI’s capabilities.)

Of all the things AI systems can do, financial data collection and analysis are right in the sweet spot of AI’s capabilities. It’s not perfect and may never be. But there is little doubt AI can be useful now to the finance professional and will be indispensable in the future. There is no replacement for getting to know AI’s capabilities and getting used to using the tools in a safe and secure manner.