BP Perspective Insights from a Business Partner

Attracting and Hiring Gen Z to Your Law Firm

As Gen Z rapidly enters the workforce, legal administrators face unique challenges and opportunities in attracting and hiring this new generation. 

Amy Mosher

Born between 1997 and 2012, Gen Z is poised to overtake Baby Boomers in numbers within the workplace, bringing fresh perspectives and new expectations. Understanding what drives this generation and how to appeal to their values is crucial for legal firms aiming to stay competitive in a dynamic talent market.


Gen Z is the first generation of true digital natives, having grown up in an era where the internet, social media and mobile technology are ubiquitous. This upbringing has significantly influenced their values, work preferences and expectations from employers.

While no generation is a monolith, they do tend to share some key characteristics. For Gen Z, some of those include:

  1. Tech-Savvy: Gen Z expects seamless digital experiences at work. Outdated or inefficient systems can be a significant source of frustration for them.
  2. Value-Driven: This generation places a high emphasis on ethical business practices, diversity and inclusion. They are more likely than previous generations to turn down job offers from companies that do not align with their personal values.
  3. Work-Life Balance: Unlike the hustle culture embraced by millennials, Gen Z values a clear boundary between work and personal life. They are vocal about their need for flexibility and fulfilling work.
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With this in mind, there are things you can do to make your legal organization attractive to Gen Z recruits:

1. Cultivate a Strong Company Culture

A positive company culture is a significant draw for Gen Z candidates. Our research shows that outside of salary, company values and culture are major motivators for job seekers.

 To build a culture that attracts Gen Z:

  • Promote Diversity and Inclusion: Ensure your firm actively supports a diverse and inclusive workplace. This not only appeals to Gen Z but also fosters a richer, more innovative environment​.
  • Emphasize Ethical PracticesDemonstrate your commitment to ethical business practices and corporate social responsibility. Gen Z is particularly attuned to companies' stances on social and environmental issues.

2. Leverage Technology

Gen Z expects the same level of digital fluidity at work as they experience in their personal lives. Investing in modern technology not only attracts young talent but also streamlines operations, benefiting all employees:

  • Update Digital Infrastructure: Ensure your firm’s technology stack is up-to-date and supports remote work and collaboration. Tools that enable flexible working conditions are particularly attractive to Gen Z​.
  • Adopt AI and Automation: Implement AI tools to enhance employee experience and streamline repetitive tasks. This can help mitigate concerns about job security and position your firm as a forward-thinking employer​.

3. Offer Flexible Work Options

Flexibility in work location and schedules is crucial for attracting Gen Z talent. The COVID-19 pandemic has solidified the desire for flexible work arrangements across all generations:

  • Remote Work OpportunitiesOffer remote or hybrid work options to accommodate different lifestyles and preferences. This flexibility can also help retain older employees who may prioritize personal time over traditional work hours.
  • Flexible Schedules: Allow for adjustable working hours to help employees balance their professional and personal lives more effectively.

4. Focus on Professional Development

Gen Z places a high value on continuous learning and career development. Providing opportunities for growth can make your firm more attractive to young professionals.

  • Invest in Training Programs: Offer robust training and development programs that help employees advance their skills and careers. This not only aids in retention but also ensures your firm remains competitive​.
  • Mentorship Opportunities: Establish mentorship programs that pair Gen Z employees with experienced colleagues. This fosters knowledge transfer and helps integrate new hires into the firm’s culture. 

5. Communicate Your Values

Transparency and authenticity are critical when communicating your firm’s values to potential hires. Gen Z wants to work for organizations that align with their personal beliefs and are not afraid to show it:

  • Showcase Company Culture: Use your website, social media and recruitment materials to highlight your firm’s culture, values and employee experiences. Real stories and testimonials from current employees can be particularly persuasive.
  • Engage in Social Listening: Monitor social media and industry forums to understand what Gen Z is saying about employers and the job market. This can provide valuable insights into how your firm is perceived and where improvements can be made.

Attracting and hiring Gen Z requires a strategic approach that aligns with their values and expectations. By fostering a positive, inclusive culture; leveraging modern technology; offering flexible work options; investing in professional development; and transparently communicating your values, legal administrators can successfully attract and retain this new generation of talent.

Embracing these strategies will not only appeal to Gen Z but also contribute to a more dynamic, resilient and future-ready workforce.