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ALA and GLJ Benefit Consultants are excited to share with you details on ALA’s newest VIP Business Partner: SecureSave, your VIP Business Partner for Employer-Sponsored Emergency Savings Accounts.

The top stressor for Americans is their finances. This stress can directly harm businesses and can cost employers $15,000 each year per impacted employee. The new ALA SecureSave offering is for firms of all sizes and offers a program that focuses not only on education to help combat financial woes, but also on tangible results. The SecureSave solution for ALA member firms offers discounted pricing, custom program design capabilities, specialized enrollment materials, and a designated customer support manager.

Emergency savings programs can help your firm improve retention, morale, and productivity. Check out the ALA SecureSave website or contact [email protected] for more details on how SecureSave can assist your firm.

  • HR & Employee Benefits
  • VIPs
    SecureSave logo
    Workplace emergency savings accounts for ALA member firms.

    218 Main St
    Kirkland, WA 98033

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