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Legal Management Magazine

June 2024

How to Support Co-Workers Through Trauma:

Demonstrate empathy and active listening to foster support and understanding.

Trauma is not uncommon at law firms. Sometimes, a collective tragedy hits close to home, like the recent violence that unfolded in Las Vegas when an attorney killed two during a custody dispute hearing before turning the gun on himself. Other times, trauma comes from the very nature of the work. So what can you do to support legal staff through trauma? And what are the signs?  Read more.



4 Ways to Gain a Stronger Perspective of Clients’ Needs

If your firm is only focusing on current legal service requests, you could be missing out on chances to assist clients.

In today’s competitive legal services market, thoroughly comprehending how clients operate can be critical. It can also strengthen firms’ relationship with clients. If your firm could benefit from reevaluating how it caters to clients, potentially implementing some of the following approaches may be helpful. Read more.

AI and the Future of Hiring

Does artificial intelligence help or hurt bias when it comes to hiring?

It stands to reason that using artificial intelligence (AI) in the hiring process would eliminate biases. After all, a machine doesn’t have the preconceived notions that humans have baked into their subconscious. Or can it? After a lawsuit by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, providers of AI hiring tools and employers using them may be looking closer at whether the safeguards applied to AI technology help — not hinder —their recruitment efforts. Read more.

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