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Best Practices When Hiring an Interpreter for Legal Proceedings

When engaging the services of an interpreter for legal proceedings, there exist vital considerations that legal administrators must bear in mind. Recognizing the paramount importance of employing interpreters with the requisite qualifications and experience for legal proceedings is crucial.

Karina De La Cruz

Administrators within law firms are tasked with the responsibility of prioritizing the acquisition of the interpreter's credentials, particularly when dealing with high-profile cases. It’s insufficient for an interpreter to merely possess fluency in a given language; interpreters must also demonstrate proficiency and familiarity with the subject matter at hand, along with relevant experience in legal settings.

Providing comprehensive information to the interpreting agency regarding the nature of the case greatly facilitates the selection of the most suitable interpreter. For instance, in instances of medical malpractice cases, it’s imperative to secure the services of an interpreter possessing both medical expertise and state certifications. Conversely, an interpreter with a technological background might not be the ideal choice for cases involving intricate medical terminology. Similarly, in maritime law cases, an interpreter with a deep understanding of nautical terminology and practices would be most advantageous.

Interpreters are bound by judicial guidelines and ethical standards, obligating them to refrain from offering legal advice or injecting personal opinions during proceedings. A common fallacy prevalent among law firms is the assumption that all interpreters are certified, whereas the reality varies from state to state, with each jurisdiction having its own laws and classification systems for interpreters.

For instance, in Texas, the highest level of certification is designated as a Master Interpreter, whereas in other states, the equivalent may be referred to as a Certified Interpreter. Depending on your jurisdiction, you should find out for which languages a certification exists. In Florida, for example, there are only seven language certifications available whereas in Pennsylvania there are 15.

Certified court interpreters hold the highest state-level accreditation, and it’s incumbent upon agencies to prioritize engaging their services. When engaging interpreters, it’s important to inquire about their courtroom experience, certifications and credentials through reputable agencies.


Law firm administrators must grasp the pivotal role of interpreters in legal proceedings, ensuring the accuracy and confidentiality of interpretations to better serve their clients' interests. It’s essential to acknowledge that certain phrases may lack direct equivalents in other languages, necessitating interpreters to employ contextual equivalents to convey the intended meaning accurately.

In instances of medical evaluations, the consideration of providing interpreters of the same gender can enhance client comfort and facilitate effective communication. Furthermore, understanding and respecting cultural and religious disparities is key. For instance, while Urdu is widely spoken in both Pakistan and India, religious differences may affect the comfort levels of witnesses, underscoring the importance of cultural sensitivity in interpreter selection.

Effective communication serves as the bedrock of fair and just legal proceedings. Thus, the recruitment of certified or professional interpreters is indispensable in empowering legal professionals to surmount language barriers with confidence.

“A nuanced understanding of clients' cultural backgrounds enhances advocacy efforts, while direct scheduling of interpreters through reputable agencies ensures clarity and cost-efficiency, thereby mitigating the risk of miscommunication.”

Translation, on the other hand, entails the conversion of written texts from one language to another. Various documents, ranging from legal papers to personal certificates, undergo translation. The issuance of a Certificate of Accuracy attests to the fidelity and completeness of the translation process, providing assurance regarding its veracity and correctness.

Legal professionals must recognize that interpreters are tasked with delivering precise and comprehensive interpretations without altering, omitting or augmenting the original content. Interpreters must uphold the integrity of their credentials, refrain from dispensing legal advice or personal opinions, and safeguard the confidentiality of privileged information.

A nuanced understanding of clients' cultural backgrounds enhances advocacy efforts, while direct scheduling of interpreters through reputable agencies ensures clarity and cost-efficiency, thereby mitigating the risk of miscommunication.