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How to Avoid the Sunday Scaries

The Monday Blues. The Sunday Scaries. Workplace Anxiety. No matter what you call it, that pit of dread in your stomach as the weekend winds down is a familiar feeling for many. 

Neal Taparia

But according to a new Solitaired survey, legal services professionals feel it more acutely than most. In fact, a staggering 78.8% of workers in legal services report regularly feeling workweek anxiety, making legal the No. 1 industry where employees are most likely to experience the Sunday scaries.

This statistic paints a concerning picture for law firm managers. A stressed and anxious workforce can lead to decreased productivity, higher absenteeism and ultimately, a negative impact on the firm's bottom line — not to mention employee morale. So, what can be done to kick the Sunday scaries?


This survey reveals that for most workers (68%), the Sunday scaries kick in between midday and early evening Sunday. This time frame suggests that the anxiety stems not just from work itself but also from the looming transition back to the workweek routine.

There’s also a correlation between job satisfaction and Sunday scaries. People who are very unhappy at work are the most likely to experience them, while those who are very happy are the least likely.

However, it's important to note that nearly half of even very happy legal professionals still report Sunday night anxieties. This suggests that the fast-paced, high-pressure environment inherent to the legal industry contributes to stress, regardless of overall job satisfaction.

Younger workers are also more likely to experience Sunday scaries, with 82% of workers 18 to 27 years old reporting them compared to 59.6% of workers 44 and older. Factors like having less experience managing work-life balance and more financial dependence on their jobs could be driving this difference.


Most workers have ways to cope with their Sunday night anxiety — though not everyone chooses the healthiest habits:

  • Passive activities: A majority of U.S. workers (including legal professionals) use passive activities like watching television or movies, listening to music or browsing social media to soothe the Sunday scaries. While these activities may provide temporary distraction, they don’t address the root cause of the anxiety.

  • Productive activities: More than one in three workers engage in productive activities like cleaning or planning their week to ease the Sunday scaries. This approach can be helpful, as it helps these professionals kick off their new week with a sense of control and accomplishment.
“A staggering 78.8% of workers in legal services report regularly feeling workweek anxiety, making legal the No. 1 industry where employees are most likely to experience the Sunday scaries.”
  • Unhealthy coping mechanisms: Unfortunately, the survey also identifies concerning coping mechanisms. Nearly one in five workers who experience Sunday scaries turn to alcohol or cannabis to quiet their anxieties. Among all the vices, overindulging in food is the most popular, with 30.5% of workers “gorging” as a way to deal with Sunday night stress. These habits can have a negative impact on both physical and mental health in the long run.

  • Prescription drugs: A small minority of workers resort to prescription or nonprescription drugs to cope with the Sunday scaries. While not necessarily unhealthy, provided they’re under the care of a medical professional, this habit points to a pretty serious anxiety problem.


Workweek anxiety is a common struggle for many legal professionals, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be helped. These strategies can help law firm managers create a more supportive environment and combat the Sunday scaries within their teams:

  • Develop a culture of wellness. The survey also found that workers without a regular Sunday routine are 2.5 times as likely to experience the Sunday scaries. Encourage your team members to develop healthy weekend routines that promote relaxation and preparedness for the coming week, and, when needed, pursue professional help.
  • Promote work-life balance. The legal industry is known for being demanding, so fostering a culture of work-life balance is crucial. Encourage your team to disconnect from work emails and calls outside of work hours and offer flexible work arrangements when possible.
  • Maintain open communication. Create an environment where employees feel comfortable discussing stress and anxiety with their managers. Open communication allows for early intervention and support for those struggling with work-related stress.
  • Lead by example. Managers who model healthy work-life balance behaviors send a powerful message to their teams. Take your own breaks, disconnect after work hours and prioritize your well-being.

And if you’re experiencing the Sunday scaries yourself, know that you’re not alone. Remember, the weekend is your time. Try to do what will make you happiest, whether that’s lounging around or getting stuff done. Though they may feel intense in the moment, the Sunday scaries are just a fleeting feeling — and whatever workplace issue you’re stressing about will be behind you soon, too.