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International ALA Board of Directors


Term: 3 years, nonrenewable

Appointments per year: Varies

Term Commencement: The term of a Director officially begins at the Annual Meeting following the candidate’s selection. In order to provide effective orientation, continuity of initiatives and an overall smooth transition, the Director begins participating in meetings four to five months before the official term begins. 

In-Person Meetings/Expectations: The meetings include attendance at all Board meetings (first one held in January), the Association Leadership Institute (typically held in February or March) and possible travel to assist in conferences not related to the Annual Conference. The majority of expenses relating to attendance at these meetings are paid by ALA. During the period before the official start of the term, the Director may be asked to participate in conference calls with committees, project teams, task forces and/or special interest groups.

Expectations: Individuals who commit to serve at this level of the Association are held to high standards of public decorum, dependability and service to the members. Directors are expected to attend all Board meetings, events and functions that occur during their term.

The Director participates fully in strategic planning, policy setting decisions and is expected to do so with the best interests of all members and the Association in mind. Directors must be concerned with developing policies that serve the entire membership. All Directors serve as trustees for the Association and must discharge those responsibilities with the highest regard for member needs, a commitment to the enhancement of the profession and a high personal sense of ethics and trustworthiness.

Directors, like all leaders in the Association, are relied upon to advance creative strategies that promote the mission of ALA and inform members of the policies, programs and initiatives of ALA. All Directors shall exhibit and hone the attributes deemed important to leadership in ALA. Those attributes are: courage, vision, communication, passion, reliability, inclusiveness, balance, respect, professionalism, collaboration and integrity.

It is required that each Director support and abide by the Bylaws, Governance Practice Statements, Code of Ethics, Policies, Strategic Direction and Plan of Work of the Association.

Summary of Position: A Director is charged with an array of diverse responsibilities. However, there are core guidelines, responsibilities and duties that are essential in this role. As members of the ALA Board of Directors, Directors have policy-making responsibilities that affect all aspects of the Association. All Directors shall actively participate in assigned responsibilities as specified by the President or Board of Directors depending on any given year’s Plan of Work, including but not limited to participation in task forces and working with various stakeholders both within and outside the organization. Directors will communicate ALA services to all members, potential members and other industry-related persons or groups; visit chapters as needed or requested; support strategic and administrative functions of chapters; promote ALA and convey the mission and goals of the Association; and encourage chapters and all members to adhere to the Association Bylaws, Policies, Chapter Performance Objectives and the ALA Code of Ethics. 

Responsibilities Include:

  1. Prepare for, attend and actively participate in all Board meetings as a voting member of the Board.
  2. Work with ALA staff and others on financial and legal matters that may arise and when assigned.
  3. Ensure proper due diligence is conducted on potential Association volunteer candidates.
  4. Review, monitor and ensure compliance with ALA Bylaws, Code of Ethics, Policies and Governance Practice Statements.
  5. Serve on and/or chair assigned task forces or other committees and be accountable to the Board for the work product of those groups, as requested, ensuring alignment with the Board’s stated strategic objectives and ALA’s mission.
  6. Serve as Board liaison to a committee or project team as assigned by the President.
  7. Identify and encourage qualified members to apply for volunteer opportunities (i.e., Committees, Project Teams, Chapter Resource Team, Director, Nominating Committee) and recognize and mentor current and potential Association leaders.

The individual selected for this position shall:

  1. Have successfully served in a leadership position within ALA and have demonstrated a commitment to the mission and goals of ALA.
  2. Have excellent written and verbal communication skills and strong ability to prepare and conduct presentations for chapter events, Association Leadership Institute, Essentials of Chapter Leadership, Chapter Leadership Institute and all other Association events.
  3. Have the willingness and ability to provide necessary time and energy to the responsibilities and duties described with a positive and professional attitude.
  4. Have a commitment to professional development and advancing the education mission of ALA; show understanding of the issues relevant to the education of legal management professionals. 
  5. Have the ability to collaborate and fully engage with team members.
  6. Have the ability to develop and maintain positive partnerships with ALA Members at all levels of the organization and encourage Business Partner participation. 
  7. Have the ability to develop and maintain positive relations with ALA Executive Director and Headquarters Staff.

In-Person Meetings/Expectations: At least 7 per year (Association Leadership Institute, Annual Conference, Chapter Leadership Institute, stand-alone board meetings). Serving on the Board of Directors requires an average weekly commitment of approximately five hours as well as required attendance at quarterly Board meetings (typically a Friday-Saturday schedule). Board service also requires attendance at the weeklong Annual Conference & Expo including pre- and post-conference meetings (held in April or May). Additional travel commitments are occasionally required.

Call for nominations: Summer

Selections made: Fall

ALA Headquarters Liaison:  Nicole Larson, CAE

Current Board of Directors

ALA Strategic Direction



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