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AMS Staffing

 Since our inception in Jan 2002,  AMS has grown to become a prominent Staffing Firm that utilizes advanced technology & AI to cater to Law Firms throughout the US. AMS is a team of 21 recruiters that provides both Fulltime and Contract staffing services to Am Law 200 firms + dozens & dozens of regional law firms.

Our team are former J.D.’s, Paralegals, LAA’s as well as Agency and Corporate Recruiters. Over the last 20+ years, we have become a one stop shop for law firms. We place Attorney’s, Legal Support, IT, Accounting/Finance, HR, Marketing & Administrative staff at law firms throughout the United States.

Did I mention we provide both Fulltime and Contract staffing!!!!

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  • HR & Employee Benefits
    Legal Staffing Made Simple

    Legal Staffing Made Simple

    Legal Division is comprised of a team of recruiters who have not only been recruiters for years, but have also held Legal Support positions such as Paralegals, IP Legal Assistant, Legal Administrative Assistants, Office Manager, Litigation Secretary, and In-House Recruiter.

    We are confident that AMS Staffing – Legal Division will deliver significant value to its clients and candidates by sharing the knowledge, relationships, and creativity of our search team. Employers recognize that AMS Staffing candidates consistently possess the right experience, education, and career goals for the position.

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    Contact Us

    910 Skokie Blvd.
    Northbrook, IL

    Andrew Sigesmund
    Andrew Sigesmund
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