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Innovative Computing Systems

Innovative Computing Systems

Innovative Computing Systems, Inc., has primarily focused on the technology needs of law firms since 1989, and those skill sets have been sought out by entities such as law firms, corporate environments and professional services organizations. Innovative Computing Systems takes a best-of-breed approach to all its offerings. Innovative Computing Systems selects only premier technology partners to provide solutions to its clients and is committed to maintaining long-term strategic relationships with them to ensure the highest levels of success, both in productivity and with IT initiatives proper. Learn more by visiting

  • Consulting
  • Document Management
  • Office Resources
  • Operations & Management
    Cloud Services

    Cloud Services

    Moving to the cloud allows law firms to immediately gain control of operational budgets, safely and securely store important firm and client data, gain world-class disaster data backup and recovery and scale infrastructure at a moment’s notice. Our Cloud practice group helps law firms stay competitive and provide the highest quality service to their clients by moving their data to the cloud, making it accessible and editable from anywhere on any device.

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    Operations & Management


    The Consulting practice group at Innovative Computing Systems offers clients the opportunity to outsource their entire IT management function, or bring on high-level expertise without making an investment in additional overhead. We advise clients on their strategic roadmap and budget, audit their needs, advise on IT policy, and help plan for business continuity.

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    Desktop Management

    Productivity is directly impacted by the quality of the environment in which lawyers, paralegals and professionals work. Whether operating a desktop, laptop, tablet or other device, peak performance is mandatory. Our Desktop Management group is composed of engineers with highly specialized knowledge. We design environments that scale with simple and effective interface.

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    Office Resources

    Enterprise Content Management (ECM)

    Our Enterprise Content Management (ECM) group empowers clients to fully leverage organizational knowledge by developing and implementing strategies and technology to capture, manage, store, preserve and deliver content and documents. The services we provide ensure that content is created and managed with business goals in mind, not simply churned out and stored in a repository never to be seen again. To become more efficient, law firms must be proactive about the consistent utilization of existing work product. The new realities of cost-cutting and downward pressure on fees make it highly ineffective to reinvent the wheel for every client and project.

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    Document Management

    Enterprise Servers & Storage

    Our Enterprise Servers & Storage (ESS) group helps clients build a solid foundation that run their practice. Our highly experienced team works with clients to meet their design, infrastructure and implementation needs. Collaboration with all practice groups ensures compatibility across platforms. Thorough analysis and testing accomplish a balance between future-proofing and unreasonable risk.

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    Operations & Management
    Managed IT Services

    Managed IT Services

    Many law firms are faced with the necessity of outsourcing some or all of their IT functions to maximize support while controlling costs. Our Managed IT Services group handles your day-to-day operations, minimizing downtime while maximizing profits. Clients enjoy benefits such as fixed-price per seat pricing, a dedicated support team, virtual CIO services, antivirus and firmware updates, system monitoring, document management, backup, 24/7/365 coverage and more.

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    Operations & Management

    Telephony & Networking

    Adopting IP Telephony can result in significant cost reductions, improved productivity and enhanced collaboration. Our Telephony & Networking group carefully selects industry leading technologies. We design, implement, train and support best of breed solutions that our clients can depend on

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    Office Resources
    After the Attack

    After the Attack

    By William Pate, Marketing, Innovative Computing Systems, Inc.

    Who should you inform after a successful hacking of your network?

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    Operations & Management

    Preparing Your Office for the Return-to-Work

    By William Pate, Marketing, Innovative Computing Systems, Inc.

    As you make plans for returning to whatever level of office-based work, we encourage you to review our checklist of things to do before your staff comes back on-site.

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    Operations & Management
    Security in the Cloud

    Security in the Cloud

    By Michael Kemps, CEO and Founder, Innovative Computing Systems, Inc.

    Read about security enhancements in the cloud in this article by our CEO Michael Kemps.

    Operations & Management
    Where Should My Law Firm's Data Be Stored?

    Where Should My Law Firm's Data Be Stored?

    By William Pate, Marketing, Innovative Computing Systems, Inc.

    An infographic to help you decide where your law firm's data should be stored: in the cloud, on-premises or somewhere in-between.

    Operations & Management
    About Innovative Computing Systems
    Moving Your Law Firm to the Cloud: A Step-by-Step Guide
    Protect Your Data with Innovative Computing Systems
    The Rise of Ransomware & Its Threat to the Legal Profession - Innovative Computing Systems
    How Resilient Law Firms Leverage Innovative Technology
    Secure with Respect. Secure with Integrity. Secure with Innovative Computing Systems.
    Innovative Computing Systems logo
    Your Full-Service Legal Technology Partner Since 1989.

    1000 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 1900
    Los Angeles, California 90017

    Amy Kosey
    Amy Kosey
    Account Executive

    I've been part of the legal industry for over 30 years.  I love helping law firms overcome the hurdle of technology.  I've spent my career both inside law firms as a legal assistant, law firm IT Manager, as well as with a variety of software vendors and now back working with technology in at Innovative Computing Systems.  We serve law firms with the utmost integrity and help lead your firm into the new era of technology improvements both on the ground and in the cloud.

    David Teuber
    Account Executive
    Michael Kemps
    Michael Kemps
    CEO And Founder

    Michael Kemps is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Innovative Computing Systems, Inc., where he cultivates relationships with clients and partners and, with his management team, provides leadership, strategic and ethical direction and oversight of company operations. He founded the company in 1989 after developing relationships with several law firms that eventually became early clients.

    His interest in technology began when he was 13-years old and started developing Bulletin Board Systems (BBS) with friends and repaired hardware and software for family and friends. Today, Michael is involved in the International Legal Technology Association (ILTA) and the Association of Legal Administrators (ALA), as well as several non-profit organizations. 

    He was a founding member and advisory board member of Premier Bank of Palos Verdes. In March 2019, he was elected to the Palos Verdes Estates City Council. 

    His insights into the roles legal technology solutions can play in law firms have been widely published. 

    Ted Glutz
    Director of Sales & Marketing
    Ted Glutz is Innovative Computing Systems' Director of Sales and Marketing, where he is responsible for providing direction to the firm's solution consulting practice. With more than 33 years of experience, Glutz provides strategic guidance to client management across the full gamut of law firm operations. Over the last 13 years, before joining Innovative Computing Systems, he worked with law firms of all sizes, advising them on their technology and organizational challenges. He retired from serving the United States Army Judge Advocate General's Corps as a legal administrator and technology manager after 20 years. He is active in both the International Legal Technology Association and the Association of Legal Administrators. He is based in Austin Texas.
    William Pate
    William Pate

    William Pate has been Innovative Computing Systems' remote marketer since 2015. He lives in Austin with his wife, four dogs and a parrot.

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