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Legal Management Magazine Editorial Calendar

2024 Legal Management Editorial Calendar 

Issue Content

Featured Topics

Key Dates

Live on July 19
  • Spotting (and helping) impaired workers
  • Fostering collaborative and inclusive leadership
  • Building a budget that includes professional development
  • April 19: Content pitches due
  • May 24: Copy and ad reservations due
  • June 10: Ads due

Live on September 23
  • Recruiting Gen Z
  • 4 steps to mastering workflow automation
  • Building a psychologically safe work space
  • May 13: Content pitches due
  • July 9: Copy and ad reservations due
  • July 16: Ads due

Focus on Tech

Live on October 11

  • The state of AI and legal
  • Records management and best practices
  • Business continuity after a cyber breach
  • June 7: Content pitches due
  • August 9: Copy and ad reservations due
  • September 6: Ads due

Live on November 15
  • The case for contingency-fee work
  • Making mentorship work in remote work
  • 4-day work week: Is it viable for legal?
  • July 9: Content pitches due
  • September 9: Copy and ad reservations due
  • October 4: Ads due

Want to Contribute or Advertise?

We’d love to hear it! Email [email protected] if you have an article idea to pitch. Our writer guidelines offer ideas on what we look for. If you’re interested in advertising, contact Fred Ullman at [email protected].
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