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With Actionstep, midsize law firms get total control over their future success. Actionstep's comprehensive legal business management platform is built to adapt to a firm’s unique strengths and goals, empowering firms to modernise and build a firm advantage in the legal marketplace.

Actionstep's connected features like client intake, matter management, document management, time tracking, billing, accounting, and business reporting, equips over 38,000 users globally to delight clients, work more profitably, and confidently embrace the future.

Build your firm advantage with Actionstep. Visit to learn more.

  • Operations & Management
  • Practice Management
  • VIPs

    A Blueprint for Building Your Law Firm's Ideal Technology Ecosystem

    Your law firm’s technology stack is a lifeline that keeps your lawyers afloat through constant changes and upheaval. Creating an ideal tech ecosystem is essential for your firm’s growth, legal practice, and overall business needs. Our blueprint dives into what makes an ideal tech stack, how to build an efficient tech ecosystem, and how your law firm can thrive with the right technology that supports your firm’s unique needs.

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    Practice Management

    The Key Trends and Realities of Midsize Law Firms

    Better understand the factors that matter most to midsize law firms, including broader business priorities, resource challenges, stress factors, and mental health, as well as overall work satisfaction.

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    Practice Management

    Optimize Client Intake: An 11-Point Checklist for Law Firms

    Your law firm’s client intake process lays the groundwork for nurturing successful client relationships. In this free 11-point checklist you’ll learn each step needed to optimize your client intake process for a more personalized and timely customer experience.

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    Practice Management
    What is Actionstep?
    Practice Management
    LawHub Customer Success Story
    Practice Management
    Actionstep Overview
    Practice Management
    Actionstep logo
    Productivity at every step

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    1743 Wazee Street
    Suite 200
    Denver, CO 80202
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