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  • Capitalizing on Your Firm's Digital Marketing

    Amid everything your firm does on a daily basis, digital marketing may not seem like a top priority, but it can be one of the most important ways to grow your business and find new clients. Join Bo Royal, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Pareto Legal, as he shares his insights on how you can use marketing to cut through the online noise and get a large return on your investment.

    Published Jul 2, 2024

  • Mastering Mentorship at Your Firm

    A robust mentorship program can be an important recruiting and retention tool for your firm, but it also requires commitment from everyone involved. In this episode, Elise Powers, Founder of Eleview Consulting, talks about how to structure a mentorship program and convince partners to dedicate time to supporting the next generation of senior attorneys. She also gives a preview of her presentation at ALA's 2024 Annual Conference titled, "How to Reenergize Your Firm's Mentorship Program."

    For more information or to register for Annual Conference, visit

    Published May 7, 2024

  • Crafting an Effective Succession Plan

    Recognizing the need for succession plans at your firm is a good first step, but what does that plan look like in practice? In this episode, David Wood, a former trial attorney and Principal of David Wood Consulting, talks about the plan he created and used to successfully transition his clients to the next generation of attorneys. He also discusses the role firm administrators play in ensuring a succession plan runs smoothly.


    Published May 2, 2024

  • Change Management Techniques for Law Firms

    Why is change such a tough thing to manage in firms (well, for people in general)? We delve into that question in this episode. Catherine Alman MacDonagh, JD, the Founder of Legal Lean Sigma Institute and a member of ALA’s Professional Development Advisory Committee, discusses steps for managing change, the importance of creating small change “wins,” how to avoid change burnout and more. Plus, we leave on a positive note about how to feel hopeful about changes. 


    Published Apr 25, 2024

  • The Billable Hour versus Value-Based Pricing

    What can penguins teach us about instituting change at your firm? Shaun Jardine, lawyer and author of Ditch the Billable Hour, and his sidekick Declan the Penguin answer that question through the lens of shifting your billing method to value-based pricing (VBP). VBP can be a good way to consolidate the many different billable hour policies attorneys have while offering clients the quantity and quality of service they desire. We also talk about managing mindset changes and how billing policies can affect other key areas of legal administration, such as succession planning and recruiting young talent.

    Published Mar 20, 2024

  • Getting the Most Out of AI, Part 2

    In Part 2 of our conversation with Kriti Sharma, Chief Product Officer of Legal Tech at Thomson Reuters, we talk about the questions you should ask when choosing AI software to use at your firm, what the regulation landscape looks like and how AI will change the future of talent recruitment.

    Published Feb 22, 2024

  • Getting the Most Out of AI, Part 1

    In the first of our two-part conversation with Kriti Sharma, Chief Product Officer of Legal Tech at Thomson Reuters, we discuss some of the latest ways artificial intelligence (AI) is evolving in the legal space, such as by simplifying research and administrative tasks, as well as how to avoid some of the common AI pitfalls like hallucinations. But don’t worry! The robots aren’t taking over our jobs just yet. After all, they still need us to tell them what to do.

    Published Feb 13, 2024

  • The Attorney Journey: Succession Planning

    No attorney wants to think about what happens when they stop practicing, but it’s crucial to have those conversations now. Debbie Foster, Partner at Affinity Consulting, joined Legal Management Talk to discuss how to bring up those difficult conversations and why it’s important to not only your firm, but your clients, to have a solid plan in place in case a lawyer retires or has to stop working.

    Published Jan 19, 2024

  • Legal Management Talk's 2023 Year in Review

    2023 has been an exciting year for LMT, and we wanted to celebrate by compiling some of our favorite moments from the year’s episodes. Check out snippets from our conversations that covered legal ops, mental wellness, AI and much more. If you want to hear more from these episodes and others, be sure to go to, ALA’s Youtube channel, or download episodes wherever you get your podcasts. And please subscribe to our Youtube channel so that you can get notified every time a new episode drops. Thanks for watching and listening! Have a Happy New Year, and stay tuned for all new episodes in 2024!

    Published Dec 26, 2023

  • The Employee Experience

    In this episode, we talk about the parts of leadership that can impact an employee’s connection and experience at your firm. Christine Wilbur, MBA, Associate Executive Director, Orange County Bar Association and a member of PDAC, discusses what prospective or existing employees really need. We cover how to get your staff showing up as their best selves each day so they can feel connected to their work and see how it fits into the firm’s overall purpose.

    Published Dec 20, 2023

  • Embracing Neurodiversity in Legal

    Neurodiversity — especially ADHD — is quite prevalent in the legal industry, but few know how to address it. Casey Dixon of Dixon Life Coaching and Krista Larson of Stinson LLP joined Legal Management Talk to discuss Stinson’s new program to promote well-being among attorneys and staff with ADHD, as well as what firms can do to help make life easier for employees with executive function disorders.

    Published Nov 20, 2023

  • Mental Health: Shifting the Conversation from Stigma to Support

    So many of us struggle with mental health challenges, and admitting it isn’t cause for shame. The fact is, conversations about mental health need to continue in order to dismantle the stigma attached to it. We do just that in this episode with ALA Past President James Cornell, Director of Office Administration at Shook, Hardy & Bacon. James opens up about his own recent mental health struggles and shares his thoughts on why burnout is so prevalent in the legal industry. Plus, we discuss what you can do if you suspect a colleague is struggling.  

    Resources mentioned in the podcast: 

    Published Nov 1, 2023

  • Can AI Make Your Firm More Efficient?

    If you haven’t yet thought about how to incorporate artificial intelligence (AI) into your firm’s operations, now’s the time before you get left behind. Hamid Kohan, President and Chief Executive Officer of Legal Soft, joins the show to talk about how AI can make your firm more efficient from the intake process through litigation, as well as the risks that AI still poses. We also discuss virtual support staffing and other ways to take advantage of the technology available today.

    Published Oct 11, 2023

  • Don't Let Cybercriminals Disrupt Your Firm

    Today, we’re talking about insurance. Wait, don’t click away yet! Cyber insurance is one of the key ways you can protect your firm if and when you’re hit with a cyberattack. Jeremy King, Partner at Olshan Frome Wolosky and Chair of the firm’s Insurance Coverage Law Practice, walks us through what to look for when choosing or changing your cyber insurance coverage and how policies have changed to accommodate cloud servers and remote work.

    Published Oct 3, 2023

  • Imposter Syndrome in Legal (and Life)

    Imposter syndrome — we all experience it in our daily lives. Talking about it is one way to get through it. We did just that with Roberta Bauer, Regional Office Administrator of Ogletree Deakins and 2023-2024 Chair of ALA’s Professional Development Advisory Committee. Plus, find out the solid advice The Berenstain Bears offer for working through feelings of insecurity.  

    Published Sep 8, 2023

  • Understanding Legal Ops

    Legal operations shares many similarities with firm administration, and thinking with a legal ops mindset can help make your firm more efficient. Tom Stephenson, Vice President of Community and Legal Ops at, joins us to talk about the six key elements of legal ops and how using those principles allows your firm to streamline processes ranging from billing to client management to e-discovery. 

    Published Aug 21, 2023

  • Clearing Up the Cloud

    The cloud may seem like a nebulous idea, but it could also be one of the best ways to make your firm’s operations more efficient and secure. Amy Kosey, Account Executive at Innovative Computing Systems, joins us to talk about what the cloud is, why firms should transition to the cloud if they haven’t already and what they need to do to prevent any cybersecurity risks. If you’re looking to make the switch, we also discuss how to determine which cloud service provider is best for your firm.

    Published Jul 27, 2023

  • Recession-Proofing Your Firm

    Are we in a recession? Yes? No? Maybe so? The fact is, the threat of an economic downfall shouldn’t be what spurs you into taking action. We talked with Dan McCormack, CLM, MBA, Chief Executive Officer of Dan McCormack & Associates LLC and a member of ALA’s Professional Development Advisory Committee. He has 18 years of experience in finance, which made him the perfect guest to offer advice on what firms should be doing throughout the year to sew up their financial outlook.

    Published Jul 24, 2023

  • Harnessing Data for Business Development

    Do you send your lawyers to conferences, but they don’t come back having generated any business? They might just be playing the wrong roles. Hear from business development experts and entrepreneurs Ioana Good, Adrien Maines and Peter Johnson about how to use data to identify your lawyers’ characteristics that will help maximize the business they bring in. Whether an attorney is a closer, a networker or an analyst, each can play a crucial part in drumming up business and reducing unnecessary legal spend.

    Published Jun 28, 2023

  • Building an Inclusive Workplace

    Creating a diverse and inclusive culture can put your firm ahead of your competition in both recruitment and business development. Terry Isner, Owner and Chief Executive Officer of Jaffe PR, joins us to discuss what that looks like in action and share his experience as a gay man working in the legal industry. Tune in for his insight into how to encourage your employees to bring their whole selves to work, especially in circumstances such as client pitches and meetings. 

    Published Jun 15, 2023

  • Supporting the LGBTQ+ Community in June — and Beyond

    What does it mean to build a meaningful Pride campaign at your firm? We sat down to discuss this topic with Laurence Winters, Chief Community Officer, SurePoint Technologies, and Chair, ALA’s Committee on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility. Through a vulnerable and honest account of his own struggles growing up as a gay man, Winters puts a face to why supporting the LGBTQ+ community in your legal organization is critical all year long. Plus, we chat about the benefits and joy of being able to bring your whole, authentic self to work.

    Resources mentioned in the podcast:

    Published May 31, 2023

  • So You Call Yourself an Ally?

    How are paper straws related to diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility (DEIA) efforts? Find out in the second of two Annual Conference-themed episodes, featuring David Sarnoff, Esq., ACC, and Joy Stephens, MBA, of Loeb Leadership. They preview their presentation, “Performative vs. Authentic Allyship,” and we discuss what it means to be a DEIA ally, as well as how DEIA initiatives have faltered as we get further removed from the social justice movement of 2020. 

    Published Apr 27, 2023

  • Tackling Difficult Conversations

    In this episode, Leadership Trainer Julie Holunga, MBA, PCC, and Margee Fawley, Chief Talent Officer at Davis, Graham & Stubbs, LLP, sit down with Legal Management Talk to preview their presentation — “Mastering the Art of Influencing Difficult Conversations” — at ALA’s upcoming Annual Conference. Hear their take on how remote work has affected the ability to talk about serious topics with your employees and how to address the professional development gap that has taken hold among partners and associates. We also talk about recent TikTok trends, such as quiet quitting and “bare-minimum Mondays,” and what they mean for office productivity.

    Published Apr 24, 2023

  • ChatGPT Meets Legal

    ChatGPT exploded into the artificial intelligence (AI) scene in November 2022 and quickly became the most downloaded app in history. We sat down with Matthew Sullivan — Chief Operating Officer at Sullivan Law & Associates, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of consulting firm Unravel Legal and a member of ALA’s Professional Development Advisory Committee (PDAC) — to discuss how this fast-moving AI is impacting legal. We talk about how ChatGPT and other forms of generative AI can improve efficiencies at firms as well as ways legal administrators can use this tech now. Sounds exciting, right? But are there downsides? For that, we pull out our crystal ball to discuss how disruptive it might be for the legal industry and whether this tech puts us in the middle of a robot uprising.

    Published Apr 20, 2023

  • Managing Your Mindset

    If you’re feeling stressed amid the transition to hybrid work, you’re not alone. Fortunately, executive coach Laura Terrell joined Legal Management Talk to discuss ways to adjust your mindset so that you can be prepared to take on the challenges ahead. Learn about how best to communicate with your employees to ensure everyone is on the same page and how to balance in-person events with remote work so the whole office stays included and connected.  

    Check out the Harvard Business Review article mentioned in this episode, “When Your Feelings Conflict with Your Leadership Role.” 

    Published Apr 6, 2023

  • Successfully Navigating Client Guidelines

    Client demands are always changing, which means you and your firm have to keep up. In this episode, Andre Wouansi of Accurate Legal Billing, Inc. discusses how client guidelines have changed in recent years and how it behooves your firm to comply with them. Plus, learn about how new technology, such as artificial intelligence (AI), can help you manage complex billing and timekeeping requirements, along with what factors you should be tracking to ensure your firm is providing the best possible service. 

    Published Mar 21, 2023

  • Conquering Business Development

    Business development is often overlooked amid the day-to-day bustle of law firm management. In this episode, David Freeman, JD, Founder of Lawyer BookBuilder, talks about how important business development is to the success of your firm and why now — during economic uncertainty — is the best time to ramp up those efforts. Plus, don’t miss Freeman’s advice on how to best measure your and your lawyers’ progress in growing your firm’s reach and profitability. 

    To read Freeman’s February 2023 Legal Management cover story, “5 Essentials for Your Business Development Toolkit,” click here.  


    Published Feb 14, 2023

  • Easier Access to Medical Records

    Are your attorneys frustrated by the time it takes to access a client’s medical records? In this episode, Jared Vishney of Arctrieval discusses upcoming changes to HIPAA regulations that will make the records retrieval process easier. The new rule, scheduled to take effect later in 2023, imposes limitations on health service providers regarding how long they can take to respond and what fees they can charge. Tune in to see how your firm can take advantage of these changes. 

    Published Jan 24, 2023

  • Becoming a Certified Legal Manager

    In this episode, Rita Nielsen, CLM, PHR, SHRM-CP, Office Administrator at Locke Lord LLP and ALA Chicago’s CLM Director, talks about what ALA’s Certified Legal Manager (CLM)® program is, the benefits it offers and what the process is to achieve it. Nielsen also offers suggestions on how best to study for the exam, including joining chapter study groups. Tune in if you’re looking to start your CLM journey! 

    For more on the CLM, visit

    Published Jan 6, 2023

  • Leadership and Collaboration

    In this episode, Heidi Gardner, PhD, Distinguished Fellow at Harvard Law School, talks about what qualities make a good leader in the post-pandemic era. She also discusses how collaboration can help managers work through many of the issues law firms face today, as well as how a compassionate approach toward your employees can boost productivity. 

    Published Dec 14, 2022

  • Legal and the Metaverse

    In this episode, Dan Atcheson of Jenkins Wilson Taylor and Hunt, PA, discusses the growing use of the metaverse in the legal industry. Learn about how some firms are already renting space in the virtual world to meet with clients and how the metaverse is becoming more conducive for firm operations. Atcheson also offers his thoughts on how government regulation will be required to prevent crimes such as assault and battery from occurring in the metaverse. (Yes, it can happen there, too!) 

    Published Dec 1, 2022

  • Meet Eryn Carter, CAE, ALA's New Executive Director

    In this special episode, hear from Eryn Carter, CAE — ALA’s new Executive Director — about her impressions of ALA so far, her vision for the future of the Association and what she’s most looking forward to heading into 2023 and beyond. And just in time for the holidays, we discuss Carter’s favorite Thanksgiving food and her favorite gift she’s ever received. 

    Published Nov 21, 2022

  • Mental Health, Microaggressions and HR Trends

    In this episode, Michael Cohen of Duane Morris discusses how firms are promoting mental health awareness and how the legal industry can do more to make sure its employees are sufficiently supported. Cohen also talks about managers’ responsibilities when it comes to handling implicit bias, microaggressions and workplace harassment. Plus, if you’re a sports fan, you won’t want to miss Cohen’s description of Gritty, the mascot for his hometown Philadelphia Flyers. 

    To read the Surgeon General’s Framework for Workplace Mental Health and Well-Being, click here

    Published Nov 17, 2022

  • Advice for New Administrators

    In this episode, Allison Worley of Paule, Camazine & Blumenthal previews her upcoming presentation at ALA’s Legal Management Fundamentals Conference, where she will teach early-career administrators about legal trends and operations management. Plus, Worley reminisces about her time attending the LMF Conference and offers advice to new administrators about how to keep up with all the knowledge they need to do their jobs. 

    Published Nov 3, 2022

  • Hybrid Work

    In this episode, Cynthia Thomas — owner of the legal management consulting firm PLMC & Associates — answers all your pressing questions about hybrid and remote work, including how to craft a hybrid plan that will get buy-in from your employees and how to best communicate those changes. Plus, Thomas offers her insights on how hybrid work has affected the manager-employee dynamic — such as the advent of “quiet quitting” — and urges administrators to have a plan in place since hybrid work is here to stay. 

    Published Sep 23, 2022

  • Office Design and Employee Wellness

    In this episode, Heather Oden of Ball Janik LLP and Amalia Mohr of LRS Architects discuss Ball Janik’s recent decision to redesign their office space to adapt to a hybrid-work world and promote their employees’ health and wellness.  Watch Mohr and Oden describe how the elements they incorporated into the design — such as a lot of wood and glass — have impacted the firm, and don’t miss the pictures showing off some of the sleek new office! 

    Click here to read or listen to the Legal Management print issue article, “Walking the Well-Being Walk.” And click here to read the September Legal Management cover story, "Destination: Office."

    Published Sep 8, 2022

  • Alcohol and Wellness

    In this episode, we talk with Eric Webber of Caron Treatment Centers about the effects of alcohol and other substances on the legal industry and what administrators and employees can do to limit alcohol dependence at their firms. Don’t miss Webber’s tips for creating an effective strategy to help employees who may be struggling and how to plan events that don’t revolve around alcohol. Spoiler alert: Childhood games such as “Duck Duck Goose” can provide nostalgia and drink-free fun.  

    Check out the Legal Management article, “An Honest Conversation About Alcohol and Legal,” to learn more about how firms are trying to reduce the prevalence of alcohol at their organizations. Click here to listen to the article or download the PDF. 

    Published Aug 15, 2022

  • Outsourced Labor

    In this episode, Ben Schmidt of Mattern & Associates talks about the labor challenges the legal industry is facing and how outsourced labor can help address those concerns. Tune in to learn about the innovative ways to make up for staffing shortfalls, such as by moving tasks off-site and hiring employees who can perform multiple roles.  


    Published Aug 8, 2022

  • Payment Processing

    In this episode, Kevin Gallagher of AbacusNext discusses the newest trends in payment processing and how the legal industry is adapting to those changes. In addition, learn about how to keep client data safe and whether firms are really starting to accept cryptocurrency as payment.


    Published Jun 30, 2022

  • Legal Workflow Trends for Midsize Firms

    This episode features Eric Wangler of BigHand discussing his company's latest report on legal workflow trends for midsize firms. It’s based on data from a survey of hundreds of law firm operations, HR and support professionals in North America.

    You can find the report, Legal Workflow Trends for Mid-Size Firms, on BigHand’s website.

    Published Dec 17, 2021

  • Compensation and Benefits Trends

    In this episode, we discuss Phillip Perry's analysis of the trends found in ALA's 2021 Compensation and Benefits Survey and 2021 Large Firm Key Staff Compensation Survey.


    Published Nov 5, 2021

  • The Virtual Effect on Law Firms

    In this episode, we discuss the effect of the pandemic-era virtual environment on everything from law firm culture and creative downtime to client billing and access to justice. Is the future virtual? Or will in-person activities return with a vengeance? For our guest, Etan Mark, hybrid is the best of both worlds for attorneys, staff and clients.

    Published Jul 30, 2021

  • Building a Trans-Inclusive Workplace

    This episode discusses how legal organizations can create an inclusive workplace for transgender employees and potential recruits. The measures suggested in this episode by Ames Simmons (he/him) of the National Center for Transgender Equity will also foster a welcoming environment for clients and community members. 

    Published Jun 25, 2021

  • Making Mental Health Matter

    The cover story of March's Legal Management is "Making Mental Health Matter," a candid account from Immediate Past President James L. Cornell III's recent struggles with mental well-being. This podcast episode features a source from that article, Bella Sterling, MS, MA. The mental health counselor explains why seeking therapy can be so hard and dispels a number of myths.


    Published Mar 12, 2021

  • Law Firm Life After COVID-19

    This episode of Legal Management Talk is brought to you by Jelly Marketing. Monique Mahler polled her fellow ALA members about what their firms are planning in the post-COVID-19 landscape, questioning them about everything from remote work policies to the future of their real estate footprint. Read more in the November/December Legal Management cover story, “Law Firm Life After COVID-19.” 


    Published Nov 20, 2020

  • Redefining the Markers of Success

    Monica Wofford, CSP, joined the podcast to walk us through the newest Legal Management continuing education course, “Where Are Your Markers?” She argues that re-evaluating how you mark your success can make you a more effective leader.


    Published Oct 26, 2020

  • Authentic Diversity: Changing the Workplace for Good

    Diversity and inclusion consultant Michelle Silverthorn is a former columnist for ALA's Legal Management magazine and a speaker at past conferences, including the Brezina session at the 2019 Annual Conference & Expo. Now, with her own company and a brand-new book under her belt, she rejoins ALA to discuss the current state of diversity, inclusion and equity and whether a permanent shift is coming to the workplace.


    Published Sep 25, 2020

  • Working Around Micromanagement with Jill Maganza-Ruiz

    In the September cover story of Legal Management, "Working Around Micromanagement," we learned how a tough employee-manager relationship can make work unbearable. Jill Maganza-Ruiz, a senior human resources and talent executive for the largest firm in the United States, joined Legal Management Talk to provide some additional advice for both managers and employees.

    Speaker Bio

    Jill Maganza-Ruiz is a senior HR/talent executive with more than 20 years' experience in the legal industry. She is currently the HR Director for Dentons US LLP and is based in the firm’s New York office. Jill has been a member of ALA since 2006. 

    Published Sep 21, 2020

  • Establishing and Maintaining a Wellness Program with Krista Hart

    ALA member Krista Hart discusses how and why she established a wellness program for staff and attorneys at her firm, Panitch Schwarze Belisario & Nadel. She also talks about how the program has had to adapt to the new normal of a remote workforce with many additional COVID-19-inflicted challenges.

    Look for Krista's "Tough Topics" column in the September 2020 issue of Legal Management. In the meantime, check out these existing ALA resources:

    Speaker Bio

    Krista Hart is a Firm Administrator who is dedicated to assisting the Panitch Schwarze Belisario & Nadel attorneys and staff with all their workplace needs. Motivated by the belief that employees are the No. 1 asset of a firm, Hart sees her role as crucial to maintaining Panitch Schwarze’s workplace culture. She currently serves as President-Elect of Association of Legal Administrators’ Philadelphia Chapter.

    Published Aug 17, 2020

  • The Value of Continuing Education with John Jakovenko, CLM, SPHR, MBA

    ALA member John Jakovenko, CLM, SPHR, MBA, chats about the importance of continuing education in the professional development of staff in a law firm or legal department. After all, the lawyers do CLE, don't they?

    Jakovenko is the instructor for ALA's HR-themed web-based courses, which delve deep over six weeks into the knowledge needed for success as a legal management professional. You can register now for HR2: Performance Management and Compensation.

    Speaker Bio

    John Jakovenko, CLM, SPHR, MBA, is the Firm Administrator at Sparks Law, LLC, in Alpharetta, Georgia. His career spans two decades and includes leadership roles in human resource departments in law firms in Los Angeles and Atlanta. He is also an adjunct professor at Kennesaw State University, teaching courses on human resources.

    Published Aug 17, 2020

  • Leadership During Uncertain Times with Brianna Leung

    GrowthPlay Consultant Brianna Leung returns to the podcast to discuss her recent Legal Management cover feature about change, which turned out to be a prescient topic as the COVID-19 pandemic alters our professional and personal lives.

    Read the article, "Leading Through Change," and take a short exam if you'd like to earn a continuing education credit. You can hear Leung's last appearance on the podcast here.

    Speaker Bio

    Brianna Leung is a Principal Consultant with GrowthPlay, where she leverages talent analytics to help legal professionals drive innovation and change within their organizations.

    Published May 26, 2020

  • Marketing and Managing Law Firm Expenses After COVID-19 with Ross Fishman, JD

    Ross Fishman, JD, expands on his recent Legal Management column about avoiding slashing all marketing costs due to the COVID-19-related business downturn ("The Top 5 Budget Items Law Firms Will Try to Slash in Response to COVID-19"). Instead, he advocates for hustling for new business, emphasizing busy practice areas and focusing your spend where it counts in order to stay competitive.

    Fishman's newest books can be found on Amazon: The Ultimate Law Firm Associate's Working-From-Home Marketing Checklist and The Ultimate Law Firm Partner’s Working-From-Home Marketing Checklist.

    Easter egg: See if you can count how many times the host's dog insists her squeaky toy is more important than this interview. Working from home!

    Speaker Bio

    Ross Fishman, JD, specializes in branding, websites and marketing training for law firms. A former litigator, marketing director and marketing partner, he has helped hundreds of firms dominate their markets. Fishman was the first inductee into the Legal Marketing Association’s “Hall of Fame.” He’s written seven marketing books, which are available on Amazon.

    Published May 26, 2020

  • Wellness Strategies During the Pandemic with Lance Breger

    Lance Breger joins us to talk about how to handle team-building, negative emotions and wellness as we deal with remote work and major stressors during the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Visit ALA's Coronavirus Response webpage for more resources.

    Speaker Bio

    Lance Breger is the Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Infinity Wellness Partners, where he helped create a WorkLIFE Wellness Program and Executive Coaching Program. His company partners with forward-thinking executives, organizations and industries around the world to spread holistic health throughout the corporate landscape to make wellness a priority in the workplace every day.

    Published Apr 13, 2020

  • Three Types of Operational Excellence with Rob Mattern

    Rob Mattern discusses information governance, outsourcing and back-office efficiency as they relate to his latest educational offerings for the ALA audience.

    Learn more from Rob through an upcoming webinar, The Getting to Zero Strategy, and his column in the March issue of Legal Management, "The Efficiency of the Attorney Experience in Your Firm’s Back Office."

    Speaker Bio

    Rob Mattern, MBA, is President and Founder of Mattern, LLC. Mattern has been widely published, including recently in the The Wall Street JournalLaw Technology News and Legal Management magazine. He is an editorial board member of Law Journal Newsletters’ Accounting Financial Planning for Law Firms.

    Published Apr 13, 2020

  • Cost Recovery for E-Discovery and Litigation with Rob Mattern and Nathan Curtis

    Rob Mattern and Nathan Curtis discuss Mattern, LLC's first-of-its-kind survey about law firm cost recovery for e-discovery and litigation support.

    Find the survey here. Learn more from Rob through his column in the March issue of Legal Management, "The Efficiency of the Attorney Experience in Your Firm’s Back Office."

    Speaker Bios

    Rob Mattern, MBA, is President and Founder of Mattern, LLC. Mattern has been widely published, including recently in the The Wall Street Journal, Law Technology News and Legal Management magazine. He is an editorial board member of Law Journal Newsletters’ Accounting Financial Planning for Law Firms.

    Nathan Curtis, IGP, is a Consultant at Mattern, LLC, where he is focused on emerging technologies and their application in the legal environment, driving results through Mattern’s customized RFP process, and overseeing service, technology and policy implementations. He is also a Six Sigma Yellow Belt.

    Published Mar 27, 2020

  • Supporting Associates into Becoming Rainmakers with Stephanie Hanna

    Stephanie R. Hanna, Esq., the Founder of professional coaching firm The Other 85, discusses how to retain talented associates, teach them the ways of business and set them on a path toward rainmaker status.

    Stephanie is speaking at ALA's 2020 Annual Conference & Expo in Salt Lake City, Utah. Her Legal Industry/Business Management education session is titled Building Rainmakers: How to Help Set Up the Next Generation for Success. View the session description here.

    Speaker Bio

    Stephanie R. Hanna, Esq., is the Founder and Owner of The Other 85. She has been coaching law students and attorneys for the past decade — helping them navigate the profession, build their reputation and develop their careers. Having been a prosecutor, judicial staff attorney, solo practitioner, magistrate and law firm associate, Stephanie understands the dynamics at play in each environment.

    Published Mar 27, 2020

  • Coronavirus-Related IT and Remote Work Concerns with Michael Kemps

    We spoke with IT consultant Michael Kemps about managing the remote workplace and keeping IT systems afloat as law firms and legal departments revise work-from-home policies in the wake of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

    He's a featured source in the Legal Management article "Surviving COVID-19: Tips for Managing a Healthy Workforce and Keeping Your Clients Informed." You can find more resources on ALA's Coronavirus Response webpage.

    Speaker Bio

    Michael Kemps is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Innovative Computing Systems, Inc., where he cultivates relationships with clients and partners and, with his management team, provides leadership, strategic and ethical direction and oversight of company operations.

    Published Mar 23, 2020

  • Succession Planning for Administrative Managers with Cynthia Thomas

    Cynthia Thomas discusses how to protect your law firm's operations by succession planning not only for attorneys but also for administrators. She is speaking at ALA's 2020 Annual Conference & Expo in Salt Lake City, Utah. Her Human Resources Management education session is titled Don’t Let Institutional Knowledge Walk Out the Door: Succession Planning for Administrative Managers.

    View the session description here, and make sure you're registered for the May 3–6 event.

    Speaker Bio

    Cynthia Thomas is the Interim Operations Manager at A to Z Law and Owner of PLMC & Associates, a law firm management consulting company that provides best practices in human resources and staffing. She is the Associate Editor of the editorial board of Law Practice and the Co-Vice Chair of the ABA LP Lawyer Leadership and Management Committee. She often writes articles on and is invited to speak and conduct presentations focusing on law firm staffing of the future and lean staffing.

    Published Mar 2, 2020

  • Adding Apps to Your Toolkit with Anna Cates Williams, JD, MBA

    Anna Cates Williams, JD, MBA, shares her thoughts about improving efficiency by increasing your app use. She is speaking at ALA's 2020 Annual Conference & Expo in Salt Lake City, Utah. Her Operations Management education session is titled Apps and Social Media: A Firm Administrator’s Toolkit.

    View the session description here, and make sure you're registered for the May 3–6 event. As she mentions in the podcast, you can reach out to Anna with questions via LinkedIn.

    Speaker Bio

    Anna Cates Williams, JD, MBA, is the Executive Director of Walker Lambe, PLLC, a boutique estate planning firm in Durham, North Carolina. She drives marketing, operations and financial initiatives for the firm. Williams has a diverse work history in law firm marketing and operations. She began practicing law with a healthcare start-up in Nashville, Tennessee, where she worked within the legal procurement team, negotiating alternative billing strategies as the client. She later moved into business development and management with a leading legal staffing and recruiting organization, where she partnered with large firm marketing and practice development teams delivering e-discovery and managed services solutions.

    Published Mar 2, 2020

  • Resolving to Balance the Scales in 2020 with Brianna Leung

    Brianna Leung of GrowthPlay talks about New Year's resolutions for the busy professional. She wrote “Resolve to Balance the Scales in 2020,” the Business Partner Perspective column for the January issue of Legal Management. That issue will be published January 10.

    Speaker Bio

    Brianna Leung is a Principal Consultant with GrowthPlay, where she leverages talent analytics to help legal professionals drive innovation and change within their organizations.

    Published Dec 9, 2019

  • The Changing Role of Law Firm Leadership with Jennifer Hill

    Staffing expert and recruiting consultant Jennifer Hill talks about the conclusions she reached and action items she detailed in her white paper for ALA, “The Changing Role of Law Firm Leadership.” You can also read her previous white paper, “The Changing Role of the Legal Secretary.”

    Speaker Bio

    Jennifer Hill is President of JHill’s Staffing Services, a Division of Marcum Search LLC. She began recruiting in 2003 and has recruited for top-tier law firms and corporations throughout the United States. Hill also hosts a weekly radio show on LA Talk Radio, “Get Yourself the Job,” for more than 30,000 listeners a month; she interviews experts and authors from around the world about landing one's dream job.

    Published Dec 2, 2019

  • Discussing "No Stone Unturned" with Nadean Stone, CLM, MBA

    ALA member Nadean Stone, CLM, MBA, describes what it’s like to publish her first book, titled No Stone Unturned: A Remarkable Journey to Identity. She talks about translating painful experiences into a memoir and how her professional background and network of legal management professionals inspire her to keep fighting for justice.

    Speaker Bio

    Nadean Stone, CLM, MBA, is the author of No Stone Unturned: A Remarkable Journey to Identity as well as a legal management consultant. She is a member of the South Florida Chapter of ALA and divides her time between South Florida and Vermont.

    Published Jun 12, 2019

  • Early Career Legal Managers with Sarah Antonello, Danita Jones and Suzy Klepac

    ALA members and Administrators Sarah Antonello, Danita Jones and Suzy Klepac have conceived a new way to support early career legal managers: the First Five Community. A part of ALA's Online Community, this members-only forum will provide a space for asking questions, sharing solutions and networking.

    As mentioned in the episode, the Legal Management article about the Capital Chapter president can be found here.

    Speaker Bios

    Sarah Antonello is the Office Administrator of Husch Blackwell LLP in Omaha, Nebraska. She is a member of the Nebraska Chapter.

    Danita Jones is the Legal Administrator at Chubbuck Duncan & Robey, PC, in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. She is the Treasurer of the Oklahoma City Chapter.

    Suzy Klepac is the Office Administrator at Kirk & Chaney in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. She is the President-Elect of the Oklahoma City Chapter.

    Published Sep 10, 2018

  • Transitioning to a Paperless Law Office with Lori Hughes

    Lori Hughes, a panelist for a session at September's Intellectual Property Conference for Legal Management Professionals, talks about how she transitioned her own office to a paperless, cloud-based storage system.

    Speaker Bio

    Lori Hughes is a member of the ALA Board of Directors as the Region 5 Director and has been an ALA member since 2002. Hughes has been with Miller Nash Graham & Dunn LLP in Portland, Oregon, for 26 years and is the Lead Operations and Information Security Officer. She managed the firm’s “less-paper” initiative and move to its first electronic records system — updated to a cloud solution for records in the past two years — and continues to manage the Records Department as part of her current responsibilities. 

    Published Sep 4, 2018

  • Partner Compensation with Tim Corcoran

    Tim Corcoran talks with us about why law firms might need to change how they handle partner compensation. You can hear more from him on this topic at the 2018 Advanced Financial Administration workshop and the 2018 Regional Legal Management Conferences in both Chicago and Austin.

    Speaker Bio

    Timothy B. Corcoran is a Principal with the Corcoran Consulting Group and a Past President of the Legal Marketing Association. In his practice, he advises law firm leaders, in-house counsel and legal service providers on how to profit during a time of great change. This includes assisting law firm leaders with business strategy, primarily in the areas of operational excellence and business growth, and assisting in-house counsel with managing preferred provider programs. 




    Published Aug 10, 2018

  • Business Continuity Plans with Kathy Scourby

    Kathy Scourby of KNS Consulting joins us to talk disaster preparedness and business continuity plans. She'll be a presenter at ALA's Annual Conference & Expo in May 2018, and you can find her insights in the April 2018 issue of Legal Management.

    Speaker Bio

    Kathryn Scourby is the Principal of KNS Consulting, LLC. She works with professional service firms to achieve their goals in the areas of business continuity, disaster preparedness, risk management and compliance. Scourby trains management professionals and all levels of staff at private service firms and facilitates tabletop exercises in these focus areas. Additionally, she served on ALA's Board of Directors (2004–2008), was a trustee for the Foundation of the Association of Legal Administrators (2010–2013), and currently serves on ALA's International Relations Committee.

    Published Apr 2, 2018

  • Information Assets Management with James Price

    Information, data and knowledge are important business assets, but most firms aren't managing them in a way that reflects their true value. That's why ALA is conducting a survey in partnership with Experience Matters (James's company) and the University of South Australia: to find industry benchmarks and recommendation for information assets management.

    Speaker Bio

    James Price is the Managing Director of Experience Matters. He has more than 30 years' experience in the information industry in a career that has included working for a global hardware manufacturer, a software developer and a systems integrator. During his career James realized that, in and of itself, hardware and software adds no value — it’s the information that the infrastructure delivers that’s valuable. So he formed Experience Matters, a firm that advises on how to manage vital data, information and knowledge as a business asset. He formed Experience Matters to address the problem that, while Information Assets are vitally important to organisations, by and large they are very poorly managed, usually with significant commercial implications. James is internationally recognized as an author of peer-reviewed papers and a presenter to business and academic conferences.

    Published Feb 20, 2018

  • The Climate for Retirement Plan Sponsors with Norma Sharara

    Mercer Principal Norma Sharara — who works closely with the ABA Retirement Funds Program, an ALA VIP sponsor — describes the current tax and regulatory picture for retirement plans.

    Speaker Bio

    Norma Sharara is a Principal in Mercer’s Washington Resource Group, focusing on tax-qualified and non-qualified retirement plans, including ERISA fiduciary rules, state-run retirement initiatives and federal retirement policy. Sharara has more than 25 years of experience with retirement plan issues. Before joining Mercer in 2015, she practiced law in Washington, D.C., and has been a frequent speaker and author on retirement plan topics.

    The ABA Retirement Funds Program has been supplying retirement plans exclusively to the legal community for over 50 years. Mercer Trust Company is the ABA Retirement Funds Program’s investment fiduciary, investment manager, and trustee and custodian. Mercer has responsibility for development of the investment policy for the program, subject to acceptance by the ABA Retirement Funds; for implementation of the policy; and for monitoring of the platform of fund investments.

    Published Jan 8, 2018

  • Office Remodels and Renovations with Christina Floyd and Karen Leastman

    As law firms continue to grow and merge, the question of office space and configuration is critical to legal management professionals tasked with operations. That's why First American Equipment Finance's Karen Leastman and Christina Floyd have joined us to talk about financing office renovations. You can hear them in full at their 2018 Annual Conference & Expo presentation.

    Speaker Bios

    Christina Floyd is the Vice President of First American Legal Finance and is a Certified Lease and Finance Professional (CLFP). She has almost a decade of equipment leasing knowledge and dedicated experience working with the legal industry. She holds a bachelor's degree in communications and an MBA from St. John Fisher College. Additionally, Floyd successfully completed the Legal Management Finance Specialist Certificate Program through ALA. In her tenure, Floyd has been instrumental in growing First American's legal business to more than 200 firms. 

    Karen Leastman is the Vice President of First American Equipment Finance and has more than a decade of equipment-leasing knowledge and dedicated experience working with the law firm industry. Since joining First American in 2003, Leastman has been a key contributor in building First American's law firm division, which now serves more than 200 law firms across the United States, including AmLaw 100 and 200 firms. As a Certified Lease and Finance Professional (CLFP), she's a leader in the equipment leasing industry.


    Published Dec 18, 2017

  • Succession Planning with Michael Moore

    Michael Moore, a speaker at ALA's 2018 Annual Conference & Expo, talks with us about law-firm succession planning.

    Speaker Bio

    Michael Moore, JD, is the Founder of Moore's Law, LLC, and helps both lawyers and law firms create professional success. Moore specializes in individual marketing, client development, and leadership coaching and advises law firms on strategic planning, growth initiatives and resource optimization. A frequent speaker at ALA events across the country, his current topics have included mentoring, leadership, financial management and strategic planning.

    Published Dec 6, 2017

  • Web Video with Corey Saban

    Corey Saban, a 2018 Annual Conference speaker, answers some of our questions about the promotional and engagement powers of web video.

    Speaker Bio

    Corey Saban is a Cofounder and Vice President of TheLaw.TV, a platform that helps lawyers effectively reach prospective clients and communicate their stories through video. He started his media career as a TV journalist, interviewing respectable and recognizable figures and scoring Emmy nominations and AP Awards along the way. An accomplished speaker and 15-year news veteran, Saban is now on the other side of the industry, consulting for law firms on media and content strategies.

    Published Oct 15, 2017

  • The Latest in Hiring and Background Screening with Kevin Prendergast

    Get the answers to your questions about background screening in today's law firm - domestically and internationally.

    Kevin P. Prendergast is the President & General Counsel at Research Associates, Inc., a corporate investigative firm serving clients since 1953.  RAI serves the investigative needs for professional service firms and works with law firms throughout the world for pre-employment background investigations, due diligence in transactional work and litigation support investigations.

    Kevin oversees the compliance program at RAI and works with clients and their counsel in developing legally compliant background screening programs.  Mr. Prendergast graduated from the Cleveland Marshall College of Law and has been licensed to practice law in Ohio since 1987.  He is a member of the American Bar Association, Ohio State Bar Association and the Society for Human Resource Management. 

    Published May 5, 2017

  • Get Your Firm On Board with Workflow Technology with Eric Wangler of BigHand

    Eric Wangler is president of the North American business unit for BigHand. With over 15 years of experience in the legal industry, Eric previously served as vice president of Ricoh’s legal vertical segment. Since joining BigHand, Eric has grown the North American business and the BigHand customer base significantly. In addition, Eric led the acquisition of Esquire Innovations (Now BigHand Office) in Temecula, California, a leading provider of Microsoft Office integrated practice management software, services and applications for the legal market. The acquisition has enabled BigHand to broaden its suite of product offerings and continue its mission of providing innovative workflow efficiency software that streamlines processes and empowers attorneys and law firm support staff to deliver their best work wherever and whenever needed. 

    Check out Eric's article in the upcoming April issue of Legal Management magazine, at

    Published Mar 27, 2017

  • Administering a Retirement Plan in a Changing Environment with Ginger Brennan

    Ginger Brennan is here with us today to talk about how to administer your firm’s retirement plan in a changing environment. She will also be a speaker on this topic at ALA's Annual Conference & Expo, April 2-5 in Denver, Colorado.

    Speaker Bio

    Ginger Brennan, FINRA Series 6, 7, 24, 26, 63, and Certified Employee Benefits Specialist, is the Senior Vice President and National Director of Sales for the ABA Retirement Funds Program. Brennan is responsible for setting and driving the sales strategy for the program and oversees all of the sales efforts and training for the entire program sales team across the United States. A veteran to retirement plan sales, Brennan brings more than 30 years of experience in sales and sales management.

    Published Mar 20, 2017

  • Get the Most Out of Your Exhibit Hall Experience with Marc Adler of PerfectLaw

    Marc Adler is the Vice President of Sales for PerfectLaw Software, a developer of billing, accounting, financial and case, calendar and document management software for the mid to large size legal industry. He is also a committed member of the ALA Business Partner Relations Committee as well as the LegalTech Advisory board. After a few years of managing implementations for some of the leading law firms in the country, Marc moved into sales at PerfectLaw and has worked the last 20 years bringing the leading All-in-One solution to the legal community at more than 200 ALA events over the years.  

    Marc be available to chat in ALA's Exhibit Hall the Annual Conference & Expo in Denver, Colorado, coming up April 2-5. Stop by to say hello! 

    Published Mar 13, 2017

  • Inside the Paper Pyramid Scheme with John Gilbert

    Today our guest is John Gilbert, senior vice president at nQueue and a recent contributor to ALA’s Legal Management magazine. His feature in the November/December issue was titled “The Paper Pyramid Scheme” and offered some surprising insights into how off-site storage can end up eating a major chunk of a firm’s budget. Learn more from John Gilbert in April at ALA’s Annual Conference & Expo in Denver, Colorado. 

    Speaker Bio

    John Gilbert is the Senior Vice President of nQueue and has more than 30 years of experience in selling to and supporting law firms throughout the United States. Gilbert helped pioneer the methodology used to customize Microsoft Word for the legal environment — including the awareness and removal of metadata in documents — and has been published in Law Technology News, Peer to Peer, Legal Management and National Law Journal.

    Published Jan 30, 2017

  • Attorney Substance Abuse: Ethics and Liability Concerns with Link Christin

    Joining us on our podcast today is Link Christin, an expert on the particular struggles among attorneys regarding substance abuse. Today he’s speaking with us about the ethics and liability concerns surrounding this topic. Hear more from Christin at ALA's Annual Conference & Expo, April 2-5 in Denver, Colorado: 

    Speaker Bio

    Link Christin is the Executive Director of the Legal Professionals Program at Caron Treatment Centers. He is the former Chief Executive Officer of Heightened Performance LLC, a behavioral health consulting firm. After decades of practice as an attorney followed by a second career of treating impaired attorneys in a residential setting, he founded Heightened Performance in order to bring his experience to the law firm and lawyer, the corporation and the law school. Prior to creating Heightened Performance, he founded and directed the Hazelden Legal Professionals Program, the first track of its kind at a major treatment center.

    Published Jan 9, 2017

  • Risk Management and Cybersecurity in the Legal Industry with Al Marcella

    Today our guest is Al Marcella, here to discuss risk management and cybersecurity in the context of legal management. Al will be in Denver, Colorado, this April to speak at ALA’s Annual Conference & Expo.

    Speaker Bio

    Al Marcella is an internationally recognized public speaker, researcher, workshop and seminar leader with 36 years of experience in IT audit, security and assessing internal controls. He's authored numerous articles and 28 books on cyber extortion, workplace violence, personal privacy, electronic stored information (ESI), privacy risks in multifunctional devices (MFDs), cyber forensics, disaster and incident management planning, ethics and more.

    Published Dec 26, 2016

  • Stress Management for Career and Personal Success with Kristen Brown

    Joining us today is Kristen Brown, speaker and founder of Happy Hour Effect. Her goal is to motivate audiences to strive for maximum impact in their work and personal lives by uncovering the unique characteristics that make them memorable and magnetic. Hear more from Kristen at ALA's Annual Conference & Expo in Denver, Colorado.

    Speaker Bio

    Kristen Brown is an international keynote speaker and facilitator who motivates audiences to strive for maximum impact in their work and personal lives by uncovering the unique characteristics that make you memorable and magnetic. She spent 15 years in sales and marketing leadership roles before starting her own award-winning company and Happy Hour Effect movement. She has worked with Fortune 500 teams across industries to drive sales and market share including companies like Target, Kraft, Bare Minerals, Cargill, Regis, Walmart, Mayo Health, and more.

    Published Dec 12, 2016

  • Minimization versus Authenticity with Ritu Bhasin

    Ritu Bhasin explains how a more diverse workplace thrives on authenticity -- embracing differences -- versus minimization -- ignoring and/or stifling them.

    Ritu Bhasin, LLB., MBA, is the Founder and Principal of BCI. Recognized globally for her diversity and leadership expertise, she has received a number of awards and distinctions for her work. She has extensive experience in delivering programming, consulting, and coaching across a range of management areas with a focus on leadership development, diversity and inclusion, and the advancement of women. Bhasin works primarily with senior leadership teams, boards of directors, middle management, and emerging leader groups, including women and diverse professionals.

    Published Dec 7, 2016

  • Building Resilient Lawyers and Leaders with Paula Davis-Laack, JD, MAPP

    Paula Davis-Laack is a stress and resilience expert who will be speaking at ALA’s upcoming Large Firm Principal Administrators Retreat about “Building Resilient Lawyers and Leaders.” 

    Paula Davis-Laack, JD, MAPP, is a former practicing lawyer, an internationally-published writer, speaker, media contributor, and a stress and resilience expert who has taught burnout prevention and resilience workshops for thousands of professionals around the world. Her articles on stress, burnout prevention, resilience, and thriving at work are prominently featured on her blogs in The Huffington Post, Forbes, Fast Company and Psychology Today. She also writes a regular column called "On Balance" for Wisconsin Lawyer magazine. Her latest e-book is titled Addicted to Busy: Your Blueprint for Burnout Prevention, available here. Her expertise has been featured in a variety of media outlets, including the Lawyerist,, various ABA webinars, and the Women's Law Journal. She is the Founder and CEO of the Stress & Resilience Institute, a training and consulting firm devoted to helping companies and busy professionals build their resilience to stress. She is also a partner in Lawyer Strong, LLC, which provides resilience training to law firms.

    Published May 13, 2016

  • Disability Etiquette with Sarah Babineau, MHR, PHR, SHRM-CP

    Have you ever had a question about diversity and inclusion, but didn’t know who to ask or how? Sarah Babineau, managing partner at Compass Metrics, LLC, offers a slew of practical tips on disability etiquette and inclusion in this episode. 

    Like what you hear? Read Babineau's column in the April issue of Legal Management magazine and consider attending her session at ALA's Annual Conference & Expo!

    Sarah Babineau, MHR, PHR, SHRM-CP, is the Founder and Managing Partner of Compass Metrics, LLC, a woman-owned, disability-owned business enterprise. The consultancy focuses on law and professional services firm diversity analytics, disability inclusion programs and affirmative action planning. Babineau also provides expert witness testimony in matters related to the employment of people with disabilities. 

    [email protected] | 508.333.1128

    Published Mar 30, 2016

  • Thinking Out Cloud with Jobst Elster of InsideLegal

    Jobst Elster joins the podcast to talk about his new column in Legal Management magazine, on cloud technology and cyber security. "The cloud is a bit like social media in legal — no matter how hard we try to ignore it and dismiss its viability, it just won’t go away."

    Jobst Elster is InsideLegal’s Head of Content and Legal Market Strategy. He has served as a legal market strategist for the last 17 years, advising companies entering the legal market, involved in mergers and acquisitions, and expanding strategic operations overseas. Elster regularly writes and speaks on legal technology, market research and leveraging market data, technology innovations and futures, legal marketing and big data. 

    Published Mar 14, 2016

  • Recovery, Renewal and Reinvention with Ari Kaplan

    Ari Kaplan joins the podcast to discuss his upcoming Annual Conference & Expo session, "Recovery, Renewal and Reinvention: Navigating the Next Decade."

    Ari Kaplan is the author of The Opportunity Maker and Reinventing Professional Services. After nearly nine years practicing with large law firms in New York City, Kaplan – named to the inaugural Fastcase 50 – has become a leading legal industry analyst. In addition to keynoting events in Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States, he has had the privilege of addressing administrators in 12 ALA chapters and at the Law Firm Financial Management Conference. He is also the founder of Lawcountability®.

    Published Feb 15, 2016

  • Fast Forward: Driving Revenue Growth with Jill Weber and Sally Schmidt

    Catch Jill and Sally's sesson at ALA's Annual Conference & Expo, titled "Fast Forward: Driving Top-Line Revenue for Your Law Firm." Learn more at

    Jill Weber is Chief Marketing and Business Development Officer for Stinson Leonard Street, where she created Fast Forward®, a nationally recognized revenue program. Weber appears on the National Law Journal's "50 Business of Law Trailblazers & Pioneers" and was recognized as an "Unsung Legal Hero" by Minnesota Lawyer. She has received 22 local and national Legal Marketing Association (LMA) "Your Honor" awards. She currently serves on the LMA Board of Directors, and attended Harvard Law School's "Leadership in Law Firms" executive education program.

    Sally Schmidt is President of Schmidt Marketing, Inc. in Edina, MN, which offers marketing services to law firms. She was a founder and the first President of the Legal Marketing Association (LMA). In 1994, she was inducted as a Fellow into the inaugural class of the College of Law Practice Management. Schmidt was also inducted into the LMA first Hall of Fame in 2007 and is the recipient of its Lifetime Achievement Award.

    Published Feb 8, 2016

  • Legal Project Management with Steven Levy

    Steven Levy joins the podcast to discuss best practices in project management, particularly in law firms. His answer? Simplify. Register for ALA's Annual Conference & Expo to hear Steven speak live.

    Steven B. Levy is the author of Legal Project Management and other books. A former senior leader in Microsoft's law department, he now heads Lexician, where he teaches project management, leadership and time management to law firms and departments around the world. His unique and practical approach to project management – based on 35 years managing projects and leading businesses on three continents – has helped numerous law practices become both more effective and more efficient.

    Published Feb 1, 2016

  • Make These Small Adjustments to Change Your Firm's Future with Dr. Jeffrey Magee

    Dr. Jeffrey Magee, PDM, CSP, CMC, has been called one of today's leading leadership and marketing strategists. He is the author of more than 20 books, two college textbooks and four bestsellers. He is also the publisher of PERFORMANCE/P360 Magazine, former co-host of the national business entrepreneur program on Catalyst Business Radio, and human capital developer for more than 20 years. Magee has been invited to keynote at many major associations and speak at West Point Military Academy.

    Register for ALA's Annual Conference & Expo to attend Magee's session, "Trajectory Code."

    Published Jan 29, 2016

  • The Changing Role of the Legal Secretary with Jennifer Hill

    Jennifer Hill began recruiting in 2003 and has recruited for top-tier law firms and corporations throughout California. Since 2008, she has been interviewed on both American radio stations and the BBC, as well as appearing on FOX, NBC, ABC and various other television shows as an expert in the field of recruiting and job hunting. Additionally, she has been a featured speaker for groups such as the Los Angeles Paralegal Association, Legal Secretaries Incorporated and the Greater Los Angeles Chapter of ALA and has been invited to speak at law firms such as Sidley Austin, Katten Muchin and Paul Hastings.

    Register for ALA's Human Resources Conference for Legal Professionals at 

    Published Jan 25, 2016

  • What Not to Do in the World of Modern Recruiting with Kristine Sexter

    Kristine Sexter, President of WorkWise Productions and FindTrainKeep Great Employees, is an industrial and organizational consultant who has devoted more than 22 years to studying success and professional commitment. She has an extensive background in recruiting, developing and retaining top talent, and has been called "THE" authority in teaching executives and leadership teams how to find, train and keep great employees. She is a professional speaker, consultant and columnist and is the author of six books, including Rolling Out the Recognition: Employee Retention Strategies for Manufacturers.

    Sexter will be presenting two sessions at ALA’s upcoming Human Resources Conference for Legal Professionals, February 18-20 in Orlando, Florida, and she’s here today to give us a little preview “Where to Put Your Recruiting Dollars: The Top Five Undisputed Sources for Finding Right-Fit Employees.”

    Published Jan 13, 2016

  • Organizational Development with Michael Moore, JD

    Michael Moore, JD, joins the podcast to discuss some of the factors that are affecting law firms’ ability – or inability – to keep their best employees.

    Michael Moore, JD, is the founder of Moore's Law, LLC, and helps both lawyers and law firms create professional success. Moore specializes in individual marketing, client development and leadership coaching. He also advises law firms on strategic planning, growth initiatives and resource optimization. A frequent speaker at ALA events across the country, his current topics have included mentoring, leadership, financial management and strategic planning. Moore is also the author of The Lawyers' Toolkit for Creating Both Personal and Professional Success, an essential resource for every lawyer's library. The short, "how-to" chapters highlight all of the non-legal skills necessary for today's professional lawyer and include illustrative, real-life examples.

    Catch his session and many more at ALA’s Human Resources Conference for Legal Professionals. Visit for more details. 

    Published Dec 21, 2015

  • Seven Ways Law Firms Lose Money with Dustin Cole

    Dustin Cole has worked with law firms to help them move successfully through changes, challenges and opportunities, and with attorneys to help them build more successful and satisfying practices. He brings more than 35 years of experience in every phase of business management, business development and team development to his work with the legal profession. He has worked with more than 200 individual attorneys, and provided management and marketing consulting services for more than 3000 firms ranging from solo firms to firms of more than 2000 attorneys.

    Catch his session, "Seven Ways Law Firms Lose Money," and many more at ALA’s Human Resources Conference for Legal Professionals. Visit for more details.

    Published Dec 17, 2015

  • Outsourcing Records: Risks and Rewards with Leigh Isaacs

    Leigh Isaacs, IGP, CIP, ERMP, is the Director of Records & Information Governance for White & Case LLP. She has more than 30 years of combined legal and information governance experience. Her expertise includes strategic design and deployment of enterprise programs, development of information management programs, on and off-site storage considerations including outsourcing, process improvements, evaluation and implementation of technology solutions, and the disposition of information for dissolved entities.

    Catch Leigh's session, "Outsourcing Records: Risks and Rewards," and many more at ALA’s Human Resources Conference for Legal Professionals. Visit for more details.

    Published Dec 16, 2015

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