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Legal Management Talk Podcast Guidelines

What to Know When Appearing on Legal Management Talk 

Thank you for being a guest on Legal Management Talk! In preparation for our taping, here are a few guidelines to keep in mind to ensure that the episode is informational and falls within ALA’s standards.  

General Info

LMT’s audience is legal managers and those who run the business of law at law firms, corporate legal departments and government agencies. (In other words, lawyers are not the main audience.) Please tailor your points accordingly, and your LMT host can help if you have any questions.  

Podcast episodes are meant to be educational, not advertorial. Please refrain from promoting yourself, your company or any specific product. Feel free to reach out if you’d rather pursue one of those routes.

Preparing for the Taping

  • We aim to keep episodes to around 20 minutes, so succinctness is key! 
  • Please try to avoid having a window or light behind you, as this can negatively affect the contrast of your video. Ideally, light should be coming from in front of you or behind your computer/camera.  
  • There is no set dress code, but most guests (and the hosts) usually stick to business casual. But if there’s a unique part of your wardrobe you want to show off (i.e. you wear cool bow ties or pocket squares), feel free to do so! 
  • Please use the Zoom link that was sent in the calendar invite for your taping — ignore the Microsoft Teams link! 

After the Taping

  • All episodes are sent to our editor after the taping is over. Editing times may vary, so it is unlikely we will be able to give an exact publication date. However, we do try to give a ballpark estimate, and will keep you and/or your PR representative posted once we have a clearer timeline. 
  • ALA reserves the right to edit any part of the episode to ensure clarity, continuity and adherence to the guidelines above. Guests or their representatives may not view the episode before it is published. 
  • Your host will send the link to the published episode as soon as it comes out. ALA will share the link and any clips from the episode on social media. Please share with your network as widely as you’d like! 
  • ALA will not share with you any original or edited video files. Once the taping is complete, all content is the property of ALA and may only be shared via the link to ALA’s webpage or the YouTube video itself. 

Have a Podcast Topic to Pitch?

We’d love to hear it! Email your ideas to [email protected]. Be sure to read over our Legal Management Talk guidelines.


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