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ALA’s Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility Statement

We Want You to See and Feel Our Commitment to Diversity in Everything We Do

The Association of Legal Administrators (ALA) fosters an inclusive environment and recognizes diversity’s power to strengthen the organization through collaboration that values our talents, skills and experiences. Our mission is to empower legal management professionals to lead the business of law by advocating for diversity initiatives that provide an environment of equity, inclusivity and accessibility to everyone.

As emerging thought leaders in diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility, we encourage conversations about, acceptance of and a focus on these issues throughout the legal community. While we may not have all the answers, we strive to keep listening to better expand our empathy and knowledge.

ALA commits to provide:

  • Programs, resources, products and services that are accessible to everyone.
  • Equitable hiring to ensure employment practices and policies serve to counteract unconscious biases.
  • Encouragement for every individual to bring their authentic self to the table so we can acknowledge, confront and remedy any decisions or behaviors inconsistent with our mission.
  • Building trust through open and honest communication based on mutual respect.
  • Measuring and transparently reporting results on our progress in these commitments and our mission.

How We Currently Define Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility 

Diversity recognizes, respects and values differences based on gender, race, skin color, ethnicity, national origin, age, religion, physical ability and sexual orientation. This also encompasses an infinite range of individual characteristics and experiences, such as communication style, career path, educational background, geographic location, income level, military experience, marital status, parental status and other variables that influence personal perspectives.

Equity eliminates barriers to fair treatment for underrepresented groups through systemic changes. Creating fair access, opportunity and advancement promotes the representation and participation of different groups of individuals.

Inclusion efforts aim to create a welcoming environment for everyone. Successful inclusion programs proactively identify and remove the barriers that impede the success of everyone, including those historically underrepresented in the legal industry, and foster a culture of respect and belonging.

Accessibility emphasizes the importance of improving the degree to which an environment, information, or product or service can be obtained. It ensures a level playing field for people by addressing physical and nonphysical barriers.

Access Our DEIA Resource Hub

Visit our DEIA Resource Hub to access our latest content related to diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility in the legal industry. Content is regularly updated to help you stay in front of this vital topic.

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