Board Liaison Position
The following outlines what is expected of a Board liaison.
Each committee, advisory council and project team is assigned a Board liaison. The Board liaison is the group’s link to the Board of Directors. The Board liaison is responsible for the following:
- Ensure that group efforts are and remain aligned with the vision, mission, goals and strategies of ALA and the group’s approved Plan of Work (committee and advisory council's only).
- Report group activities and present recommendations to the Board of Directors on behalf of the Chair and staff liaison. Agreement with recommendations is not required.
- Serve as an interpreter to the group on ALA policies and processes.
- Ensure fiscal responsibility, working with the Staff Liaison and Chair to ensure the group works within its approved budget and fiscal guidelines.
- Counsel with the Staff Liaison and Chair to meet objectives or, should problems occur, consult with the Executive Director and Board of Directors, as necessary.
- Report any actions of the Board of Directors affecting the group to the Staff Liaison and Chair promptly.
- Identify potential future leaders.