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Volunteer Position Descriptions

Volunteer Positions

The following outlines what is expected of volunteers.


It is preferred that individuals selected for this position shall: 

  • Demonstrate a commitment to the mission and goals of ALA. 
  • Have proficient written and verbal communication skills. 
  • Demonstrate the willingness and ability to provide necessary time and energy to the responsibilities and duties described with a positive and professional attitude. 
  • Demonstrate a commitment to professional development and advancing the education mission of ALA; possess an understanding of the issues relevant to the education of legal management professionals. 
  • Demonstrate the ability to be a cooperative and participatory team member. 
  • Have the ability to develop and maintain positive relations with ALA members, be they individuals, in chapters or the ALA Board of Directors, as well as ALA Staff and Business Partners


  • Individuals who commit to serve at this level of ALA are held to high standards of public decorum, dependability and service to the members. 
  • Members are required to participate in group meetings, as well as events and functions that occur during their term with their group. Firm support is important to be successful in this role.
  • Leadership group members shall exhibit and develop the attributes deemed important to leadership in ALA. Those attributes are: courage, vision, communication, passion, reliability, inclusiveness, balance, respect, collaboration and integrity.
  • It is required that each member support and abide by the Bylaws, Code of Ethics, Strategic Direction and Plan of Work of ALA. 

General Responsibilities

  • Actively participate in the work of the group; provide thoughtful input to the deliberations of the group; focus on the best interests of the Association and the group rather than on personal interests; and work toward fulfilling the group goals.
  • Review all relevant material before group meetings. Make contributions and voice objective opinions on issues.
  • Carry out individual assignments made by the group lead.
  • Work as part of the group and with staff to ensure that the group proposes policies and/or develops products and services that help ALA members who are responsible for programs within the scope of work of the group.
  • Represent the group in meetings of other ALA groups.
  • Promote clarity within the group on the group’s role and how it supports and fits within ALA. 

Questions? We’re Here to Help

We are to answer any questions that arise throughout your volunteer journey. Email us at [email protected].
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