HQ Staff Liaison Position
The following outlines what is expected of a staff liaison.
Basic Function
Serves as an informed resource person to a committee, advisory council or project team Chair and members of the group but is not a member of the group. Guide group activities in accordance with ALA's Volunteer Handbook. Assist the Chair in facilitating group discussions and activities that address the group’s official charge as identified by the Board of Directors. Work with the Chair to ensure that all group work is aligned with the vision, mission, goals and strategies of ALA and the group’s approved Plan of Work (committees and advisory councils only).
General Responsibilities
- Provide thorough orientation for each new Chair and collaborate with the Chair to provide orientation for new and continuing group members each year.
- Committees and Advisory Councils only: Work with the Chair and group members to develop a Plan of Work that will allow the group to effectively and efficiently discharge its responsibilities for the year. All plans of work are submitted to the Board of Directors for approval.
- Work with the Chair to ensure the proper management of any approved budget.
- Ensure that reimbursement requests are processed in accordance with ALA’s Volunteer Travel Policy and in a timely manner.
- Work with the Chair to develop agendas and conduct effective meetings.
- Provide administrative support for planning and execution of all group meetings.
- Committees and Advisory Councils only: Ensure minutes of all group meetings are drafted and submitted to the Chair for review and approval. Retain copies of all minutes.
- Work with the Chair, group members and ALA staff to ensure that the work of the group is carried forth between meetings.
- Facilitate communication of group activities, including requests for action and/or proposed policies, to the Executive Director and Board of Directors.
- Communicate to the Chair and/or Board Liaison any circumstances that may impinge the work of the group.
- Ensure that the Board Liaison and Chair are involved in all communications and decisions made that impact group activities.