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Board Liaison Position Description

Board Liaison Position 

The following outlines what is expected of a Board liaison.

Each committee and project team is assigned a Board liaison. The Board liaison is the committee/team’s link to the Board of Directors. The Board liaison is responsible for the following:

  • Ensure that committee/team efforts are and remain aligned with the mission, goals and strategies of ALA and the committee/team’s approved Plan of Work.
  • Present recommendations and actions to the Board of Directors through Committee Chair and ALA staff for agenda development. Agreement with committee actions is not required.
  • Serve as an interpreter to the committee on ALA policies and processes.
  • Ensure fiscal responsibility, working with the Staff Liaison and Committee Chair/Team Lead to ensure the committee/team works within approved budget and fiscal guidelines.
  • Counsel with the Staff Liaison and Committee Chair/Team Lead to meet objectives or should problems occur, consult with the Executive Director and Board, as necessary.
  • Report to the Staff Liaison and Committee Chair/Team Lead promptly actions of the Board affecting the committee.
  • Identify potential future leaders. 

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