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Key Attributes of ALA Leaders

Successful ALA Leader Attributes

Leadership is the foundation for all organizations. Leaders set high standards for themselves and are an example to those they expect to lead. ALA leaders are ambassadors of the Association and should strive to reflect the highest standards of leadership excellence through the following attributes: vision, communication, passion for the Association, reliability, inclusiveness, balance, respect and collaboration. Effective leaders are also expected to mentor others to develop and exemplify these attributes as they become future leaders.


ALA leaders shall possess or develop skills to help facilitate the goals established by the Association. ALA leaders are a primary resource to our members. Their knowledge and skills should bring creative strategies that enrich membership value, as well as promote and educate members on ALA’s policies, programs and initiatives. These policies, programs and initiatives are tied to implementing and advancing the Association’s strategic direction.


Effective written and oral communication skills are essential for ALA leaders. Leaders should be able to communicate in a positive and constructive manner, and they are expected to communicate effectively and respectfully at all times.

Passion for the Association

ALA leaders are highly visible to the Association membership and are role models for the membership and the legal management profession. They should demonstrate enthusiasm, a positive outlook and the desire to engage members of the Association. An important component of passion is knowledge of the Association, including its vision and mission. ALA leaders should always exhibit a pleasant and professional demeanor.


Whether working on a project for the Association or responding to a question or problem from a chapter or member, attention to detail and responsiveness to requests are imperative for a successful ALA leader.


Diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility (DEIA) are core values of ALA and a responsibility of each of its leaders. ALA leaders are expected to reflect the Association’s commitment to DEIA. They encourage diverse groups of individuals — both within the Association and in the legal community — to be involved in ALA leadership and activities. Through DEIA, we build a better organization, and we provide a positive experience for our membership and the community.


Keeping things in balance is important for every successful ALA leader. This is true in everyday situations as well as when dealing with conflict, change and other difficult situations within the chapters and the Association. ALA leaders should demonstrate the ability to remain unbiased and professional in all circumstances.


Respect for others is an integral part of any successful organization. ALA leaders are expected to show respect for others in the Association and in the community, as well as demonstrate self-respect at all times.


The ability to work together as a team and present a united message is critical to the success of the initiatives and goals of the Association and the Association itself. ALA leaders should put aside personal preferences and speak with one voice to facilitate and promote the mission and Plan of Work of the Association.

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