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Volunteer Travel & Reimbursement

Volunteer Travel Policy

On occasion, the volunteer leaders of the Association are asked to travel for ALA business. These policies are designed to provide guidance and — to the most reasonable extent possible — consider the demands that volunteers face in their jobs, their personal obligations and travel realities that may vary depending upon an individual's home city and the meeting location. Expenses related to transportation, lodging at the meeting location and away-from-home meals in connection with travel on ALA business will be reimbursed as indicated below if they fall or take place within the official travel/meeting period* designated in advance for each ALA leadership group meeting. 

This policy applies to volunteers appointed by ALA’s Board of Directors that are designated to carry out the business of the Association. Receipts must accompany reimbursement requests for individual expense items. Reimbursement requests must be submitted within 45 days of the event or by the calendar year-end, whichever occurs first. Requests not submitted within the requisite time frame may be denied.

Certain incidental expenses are not reimbursable, including entertainment, travel agency fees, personal long-distance phone calls and other items primarily personal in nature. Charges incurred because of changes in travel (including airline travel/tickets) and hotel arrangements made on the basis of personal choice, incorrect bookings or other reasons unrelated to ALA business are the responsibility of the individual. This includes canceling or making changes in restricted tickets, failure to cancel guaranteed hotel reservations either with ALA or directly with the hotel, and room upgrades. Exceptional circumstances are reviewed on a case-by-case basis by the Executive Director or the President, who may authorize reasonable additional reimbursements.

*As a general guideline, the official travel/meeting period will usually begin: (a) 24 hours prior to the scheduled start of any ALA leadership group meeting that begins at or before 1 p.m. and (b) on the morning of the day of any meeting that begins after 1 p.m. ALA recognizes that convenient, or even possible, travel schedule options can vary depending on the traveler's home city and the meeting location, and at times may not fit within these general guidelines and in such cases reasonable exceptions will be granted — contact the Executive Director or the President.  

Reimbursement Form

Ready to submit your expenses? Download the reimbursement form and submit it to your staff liaison.

Questions? We’re Here to Help

ALA’s Executive Director or the President review exceptional circumstances to the travel policy on a case-by-case basis. Other questions about your volunteer journey can be directed to [email protected].

Reimbursement Allowances

Per ALA’s bylaws, the Board of Directors “may take action to set the time, date and place for the holding of a regular Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors and additional regular meetings of the Board of Directors without other notice than such action.” These meetings may be held independently, virtually or in conjunction with another ALA event, and each member of the Board is expected to attend. In addition, members of the Board of Directors are expected to be present at the Association Leadership Institute, Chapter Leadership Institute and Annual Conference. Directors assigned to serve as Board Liaison to an event planning committee are expected to attend the event that is being planned. Attendance at other conferences may also be expected, based on assignment by the President and Executive Director.

ALA will fund all allowable registration, travel, lodging and meal expenses related to attendance at each of these events.  

All standing committees are limited to one in-person meeting per calendar year. These meetings should occur in conjunction with the Annual Conference (when Annual Conference is held in the spring). Exceptional circumstances are reviewed on a case-by-case basis by the committee’s Board Liaison, the Executive Director and the President, who may authorize additional or alternative arrangements.

ALA provides one night’s complimentary lodging for standing committee members to participate in committee meetings held during the Annual Conference.  

Members of the Chapter Resource Team (CRT) are expected to be present at the Association Leadership Institute, Essentials of Chapter Leadership (held virtually) and Chapter Leadership Institute.

ALA funds all allowable registration, travel, lodging and meal expenses related to attendance at the Association Leadership Institute for incoming and continuing CRT members.

Outgoing (when Annual Conference is held before July 1) and continuing CRT members can expect complimentary registration and reimbursement of one night’s lodging expenses for their attendance at Annual Conference.

ALA funds all allowable registration, travel, lodging and meal expenses related to attendance at the Chapter Leadership Institute. 

Attendance at other conferences is optional and at the individual’s expense.  

Planning Meetings 

The Annual Conference Committee meets in-person at the prior year’s and current year’s conferences. All other conference planning committees meet via electronic means. Exceptional circumstances are reviewed on a case-by-case basis by the Executive Director and the President, who may authorize additional or alternative arrangements.

Site Visits

Any site visit required for a given event must be approved by the Executive Director and the President. Attendance at a site visit is limited to the committee chair, local liaison and headquarters staff. ALA will fund one night’s allowable lodging, travel and meal expenses for approved site visits.

Event Attendance

Current year conference and retreat planning committee members can expect complimentary registration for their respective event (limit one event per year).

Current year conference and retreat planning committee chairs can expect reimbursement of all allowable lodging and travel expenses.

Annual Conference Attendance

ALA provides one night’s complimentary lodging for current year Annual Conference Committee members to participate in committee meetings held during the Annual Conference.

Incoming/following year Annual Conference Committee members receive one night’s complimentary lodging for participation in committee meetings held during the Annual Conference. 

Reimbursement Guidelines

In your volunteer role, if you qualify for any of the following reimbursement categories, see the specifics below. 


In accordance with the allowances provided for below, ALA pays or reimburses for round-trip, economy class/coach airfare costs incurred in attending ALA meetings or in conducting authorized ALA business. Unless otherwise approved by the ALA President or Executive Director, travelers are required to book travel at least 45 days prior to the start of the meeting and to use the most reasonably cost-effective tickets, regardless of carrier preference. Roundtrip fares exceeding $500 USD in base ticket cost require advance approval and must be justified as representing the lowest or best comparable fare available at the time of booking.

Covered air travel expense typically includes the most direct route to and from the meeting location. Additional air travel expense that results from delayed ticketing, use of a travel agent, booking business or first-class airfare, or booking more expensive travel solely for the purpose of using particular carriers for personal reasons are the responsibility of the individual.

Reimbursable air travel expenses include the cost, if any, of checking one piece of luggage. The cost of checking a second bag or of paying overweight fees on checked luggage will be reimbursed only a) in the case of extended, continuous travel on ALA-related business covering at least six consecutive nights, or b) where, regardless of trip length, a second checked bag or additional weight is required/due to the need to transport ALA business-related materials and items. ALA does not reimburse for other types of “personal choice” or extra fees that may be charged by airlines (e.g., seating in particular sections, fees for aisle or window seating, fees for food and beverages, or early check-in). ALA recognizes that airlines may charge extra fees for different services or benefits to travelers. Travelers must request approval from ALA in advance to receive reimbursement for additional fees that airlines might charge beyond the airfare and baggage fees.

When ALA travel is combined with personal travel in ticketing, resulting in additional travel legs unrelated to ALA business, the individual traveler in requesting reimbursement for the ALA-related portion of the ticket cost must submit a) comparable ticketing information to support/show the reimbursable cost of what would have been the round-trip airfare for the ALA-related trip only, or b) proof that the addition of an extra leg on personal business actually resulted in a lower cost for the entire combined ALA/personal ticket than a direct ALA-related-only round-trip ticket.

Refundable or no-penalty tickets may be purchased when the cost is no more than $100 greater than a nonrefundable or other ticket with a change or cancellation penalty. 

The need to cancel or change a ticket that involves additional fees or penalties should be communicated directly to the President or Executive Director before making the change. Reimbursement for resulting charges is at the discretion of the Executive Director or the President, providing written authorization for the exception/reimbursement. 

Rail Transportation

ALA will reimburse rail transportation expenses provided that the cost does not exceed the cost of the least expensive airfare.

Ground Transportation

Except for car rental charges, ground transportation (e.g., limousine, taxi, ride share, airport parking) is reimbursed at actual cost so long as a) costs incurred are reasonable and necessary, and b) the reimbursement request is accompanied by receipts or other written documentation.

If use of a personal automobile is required for ALA business, for example for travel to and from a meeting site by a person who resides within the metropolitan area where the meeting is held, ALA reimburses for actual mileage based upon the current IRS business allowance rate plus tolls and parking expenses. Total auto reimbursement for intercity travel may not exceed the cost of economy/coach airfare. 

Car rental fees are not normally reimbursable for travel within the metropolitan area of an ALA meeting site. If air transportation is not available to a meeting location or use of a rental car upon arrival at the location is otherwise necessary in connection with the meeting (as opposed to purely personal use or preference), ALA reimburses for rental car fees and expenses with the advance approval of the President or the Executive Director.  

Lodging expenses during the official travel/meeting period are reimbursed as reasonably necessary for attendance at ALA meetings. Reimbursement of hotel expenses for the night of the last day of a meeting (for example, Saturday night for a meeting concluding on Saturday) will be made if a) return travel on the following day results in an airfare savings greater than the cost of the additional lodging OR b) return travel on the last day of the meeting would necessitate arrival at the individual’s ultimate destination after 8 p.m. on that day. The Executive Director or the President has the discretion to authorize an additional overnight stay under other circumstances if appropriate.  

Meals and other group functions scheduled and provided as a part of the official meeting are paid for by ALA. Other reasonable meal expenses incurred during the official travel/meeting period designated by ALA for each meeting will be reimbursed.

ALA has established maximum meal reimbursement amounts for individual meals consumed during the travel/meeting period but which are not part of the meeting proper:

  • Breakfast: $40/person/day
  • Lunch: $40/person/day
  • Dinner: $75/person/day 

Volunteers should use good judgment when submitting reimbursement for food and beverage expenses. ALA will not reimburse for alcohol purchases.

ALA may waive or discount registration fees for event attendance based on assignment by the President and Executive Director.
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