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Legal Management Talk Podcast

Legal Management Talk 

Our Legal Management Talk podcast keeps you in the know while you’re on the go. Most episodes are less than 30 minutes long so you can learn about a specific legal management topic as you make your way throughout your day. 

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Previous Episodes

  • Managing Your Mindset

    If you’re feeling stressed amid the transition to hybrid work, you’re not alone. Fortunately, executive coach Laura Terrell joined Legal Management Talk to discuss ways to adjust your mindset so that you can be prepared to take on the challenges ahead. Learn about how best to communicate with your employees to ensure everyone is on the same page and how to balance in-person events with remote work so the whole office stays included and connected.  

    Check out the Harvard Business Review article mentioned in this episode, “When Your Feelings Conflict with Your Leadership Role.” 

    Published Apr 6, 2023

  • Successfully Navigating Client Guidelines

    Client demands are always changing, which means you and your firm have to keep up. In this episode, Andre Wouansi of Accurate Legal Billing, Inc. discusses how client guidelines have changed in recent years and how it behooves your firm to comply with them. Plus, learn about how new technology, such as artificial intelligence (AI), can help you manage complex billing and timekeeping requirements, along with what factors you should be tracking to ensure your firm is providing the best possible service. 

    Published Mar 21, 2023

  • Conquering Business Development

    Business development is often overlooked amid the day-to-day bustle of law firm management. In this episode, David Freeman, JD, Founder of Lawyer BookBuilder, talks about how important business development is to the success of your firm and why now — during economic uncertainty — is the best time to ramp up those efforts. Plus, don’t miss Freeman’s advice on how to best measure your and your lawyers’ progress in growing your firm’s reach and profitability. 

    To read Freeman’s February 2023 Legal Management cover story, “5 Essentials for Your Business Development Toolkit,” click here.  


    Published Feb 14, 2023

  • Easier Access to Medical Records

    Are your attorneys frustrated by the time it takes to access a client’s medical records? In this episode, Jared Vishney of Arctrieval discusses upcoming changes to HIPAA regulations that will make the records retrieval process easier. The new rule, scheduled to take effect later in 2023, imposes limitations on health service providers regarding how long they can take to respond and what fees they can charge. Tune in to see how your firm can take advantage of these changes. 

    Published Jan 24, 2023

  • Becoming a Certified Legal Manager

    In this episode, Rita Nielsen, CLM, PHR, SHRM-CP, Office Administrator at Locke Lord LLP and ALA Chicago’s CLM Director, talks about what ALA’s Certified Legal Manager (CLM)® program is, the benefits it offers and what the process is to achieve it. Nielsen also offers suggestions on how best to study for the exam, including joining chapter study groups. Tune in if you’re looking to start your CLM journey! 

    For more on the CLM, visit

    Published Jan 6, 2023

  • Leadership and Collaboration

    In this episode, Heidi Gardner, PhD, Distinguished Fellow at Harvard Law School, talks about what qualities make a good leader in the post-pandemic era. She also discusses how collaboration can help managers work through many of the issues law firms face today, as well as how a compassionate approach toward your employees can boost productivity. 

    Published Dec 14, 2022

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