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CLM-Approved Provider Application

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Approved Provider Application and Renewal

Questions? Reach us at [email protected] or call +1-847-267-1252.

Section 1. Applicant Information 

Primary Planner is responsible for the application contact and the primary contact throughout the review process.

Select a choice

Section 2. Eligibility Requirements

Organizations must meet and agree to all eligibility requirements before proceeding with the application.

Please review and check the box below to agree:

  • The approved organization must designate one primary contact with authority to assure compliance with the CLM Accreditation Program criteria in the provision of continuing education that awards contact hours.
  • The primary contact named in Section 1 accepts responsibility to serve as the primary contact for the ALA Chapter and ensure compliance with the CLM accreditation criteria.
  • The primary contact is responsible for the orientation of all education planning personnel in the organization to the current CLM accreditation criteria.
  • The Approved Provider must ensure that each CLM activity must be intended and designed to maintain or increase the professional competence of legal managers.
  • The program must be an organized continuing education experience under responsible sponsorship capable direction and qualified instruction.
  • The Approved Provider must be administratively and operationally responsible for coordinating the entire process of planning, implementing, awarding contact hours, and evaluating for all CLM continuing education activities in the organization when contact hours are awarded.
  • The Approved Provider must not approve social activities, business meetings (Chapter or other) roundtable discussions, idea exchanges, business partner or consultant presentations intended to sell a product or service, or intended for any other purpose other than educational instruction.
  • The Approved Provider must agree to use the "CLM Approved Provider" logo and formal approval language on all print and digital marketing material regarding education sessionsThe Approved Provider must agree not to alter the "CLM Approved Provider" Logo in any way.
  • The Approved Provider must provide each attendee with an evaluation form of the activity.The Approved Provider ( ALA Chapter ) must agree to add each session to the Chapter Education Database.
Please read the statements above and check the box to agree to all:
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