The CLM Certification exam questions are representative of the functional areas below. The percentages listed indicate how each area of knowledge is emphasized on the test. Below you’ll find each of these areas broken out in more detail.
Knowledge Dimensions | Blueprint Percentage |
Financial Management | 29% |
Human Resources/Talent Management | 31% |
Legal Industry/Business Management | 17% |
Operations Management | 23% |
The Financial Management domain encompasses all aspects of planning, recording, analyzing, and reporting on the financial transactions of a law firm/office, both on behalf of clients and for the law firm itself. Financial Management involves the knowledge and skills administrators need to be able to provide information about and make decisions concerning the operations of the firm/office. Financial Management is divided into two categories: General Accounting and Financial Information and Analysis.
A. General Accounting
B. Financial Information and Analysis
Human resources management encompasses the knowledge and skills required to manage all aspects of human resources within the law firm/office. This requires an understanding of human behavior, as well as an awareness of existing economic, social and legal constraints upon the management of personnel functions.
A. Employee Selection and Promotion
B. Performance Management and Compensation
C. Organizational Development
The legal industry/business management section of the examination addresses those aspects of business management that are unique to the legal industry.
A. Legal Industry
B. Business Management
Operations management encompasses the knowledge and skills necessary to provide for efficient and productive office operations.
A. Technology
B. Operations
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